Page:A Biographical Dictionary of the Celebrated Women of Every Age and Country (1804).djvu/648

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college, at Lyons. She is said to have been profoundly skilled in philosophy, divinity, music, and jurisprudence; besides speaking fourteen languages. She entered into the convent of St. Praxedis, at Avignon.

Father Feejoo.

MOTTEVILLE (FRANCES-BERTAUD, DAME DE), a celebrated French Lady born 1615; died 1689, leaving a very agreeable Work, under the Title of Mémoires pour servir à l'Histoire d' Anne d'Austria, 5 vols. 12mo.

Her mother having been in Italy and Spain, she spoke those languages with great facility, and was therefore honoured with the friendship and confidence of that princess, of which her daughter in some measure partook; but being involved in the disgrace of her mother, with all Anne's favourites, she retired into Normandy, and was married to Nicholas l'Anglois, president de Motreville; but became a widow in two years after. As soon as the queen became regent, she recalled her. Madame de Motteville was much attached to this princess, and Henrietta, the exiled queen of England. Her memoirs contain many remarkable events, and are a faithful picture of the actions and sentiments of the former; the stile of Madame de Motteville is prolix and often obscure. She has introduced a number of moral reflections, which are now very common; but they shew great learning and observation.

She had always had a devotional turn of mind; and after the death of the queen-mother, wrote many pious treatises, and retired from the world.