Page:A Biographical Dictionary of the Celebrated Women of Every Age and Country (1804).djvu/846

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Her works are, L'Instruction des Jeunes Pucelles; Le Temple du S. Esprit; Le Voyage de Penitente; Les Contemplations de l'Ame Devoté sur les Mysteres de l'Incarnation et de la Passion de Jesus Christ.

F. C. &c.

TRIVULCE (DAMIGELLA), of Milan, a Lady of a noble Family,

Who wrote many works, in Greek and Latin; pronounced many orations before popes, bishops, and princes; and was considered learned at an age when youth is hardly supposed capable of application.

F. C. &c.

TROTHER (CATHERINE), descended of Scotch Parents, but born in England.

She wrote five plays, wherein the passions are well described, and the diction is just and familiar. They are Agnes de Castro, Fatal Friendship, The Unhappy Penitent, The Revolution of Sweden, tragedies; and Love at a Loss, a comedy.

Mrs. Trother was inclined to philosophical studies, and wrote a small piece in defence of Mr. Locke's Essay on the Human Understanding. Some time after writing her last play, she was, by the late bishop of Salisbury, converted from the Romish persuasion, and by his lordship's recommendation married to a clergyman.

Female Worthies.

TYMICHA, was a Lacedemonian Lady, the Consort of one Myllias, a native of Crotona.

Jamblichus, in his life of Pythagoras, places her at the head of his list or roll of the most celebrated female
