Page:A Book of Dartmoor.djvu/22

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Roos Tor Logans 79
Covered Chamber, Whit Tor 100
Construction of Stone and Timber Wall 101
Tin-workings, Nillacombe 109
Mortar-stone, Okeford 111
Slag-pounding Hollows, Gobbetts 13
Smelting in 1556 14
Plan of Blowing-House, Deep Swincombe 115
Tin-mould, Deep Swincombe 117
Smelting Tin in Japan 119
A Primitive Hinge 133
Inscription on Sourton Cross 142
Inscribed Stone, Sticklepath 150
Plan of Stone Rows near Caistor Rock 161
""Grimspound 166
""Hut at Grimspound 169
Fragment of Potter 177
Ornamented Pottery 179
Tom Pearce'S Ghostly Mare 191
Crazing-Mill Stone, Upper Gobbettsv204
Method of using The Mill-Stones 205
Chancel Capital, Meavy 237
Blowing-House below Black Tor 271