Page:A Brief History of South Dakota.djvu/222

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1805. Pierre Dorion conducts party of Sioux chiefs to St. Louis.

1806. Lewis and Clark return from Pacific, passing through South Dakota.

1807. Manuel Lisa undertakes trade with Indians at head of Missouri. Sergeant Nathaniel Pryor attempts to conduct Big White, a Mandan chief who visited Washington with Lewis and Clark, to his home and is attacked and driven back by Rees, assisted by Minneconjou Teton Sioux under Black Buffalo. Four whites killed, nine wounded.

1808. St. Louis Missouri Fur Company organized for trade on Upper Missouri. Established post in Loisel house on Cedar Island.

1809. Manuel Lisa, for St. Louis Missouri Fur Company, safely conducts Big White to his home in North Dakota. Finds Rees friendly.

1810. Loisel post burned with large stock of furs.

1811. Astorian party go up Missouri to Grand River, where they buy horses of Rees and go thence up Grand River toward Pacific. First recorded exploration of northern Black Hills region.

Manuel Lisa finds Sioux excited over "Prophet craze" and believes it due to hostile English influence. Reports condition to General Clark, Indian agent.

1812. Red Thunder, Flathead Yanktonais chief from Elm River, Brown County, with son, Waneta, and twenty-two Sissetons, enlist to serve English in war against Americans.

1813. Manuel Lisa made subagent for Missouri River Sioux and keeps them friendly to American interests.

1815. Teton Sioux sign treaty of friendship at Portage des Sioux. Black Buffalo dies there July 14. Given military funeral.

1816. Pawnee House burns.

1817. Fur trade revives. Joseph La Framboise builds Fort Teton at site of Fort Pierre. First continuous settlement.

1822. La Framboise builds trading post at Great Bend of Big Sioux (Flandreau).

Fort Tecumseh built at site of Fort Pierre, by Columbia Fur Company.
Fort Recovery built upon American Island at Chamberlain, by Missouri Fur Company. (It is possible this post was