Page:A Brief History of South Dakota.djvu/227

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1884. Ordway succeeded by Gilbert A. Pierce.

Redfield College founded.
All Saints School for Young Ladies founded at Sioux Falls.
Augustana College established at Canton.

1885. Second Sioux Falls constitutional convention. State officers and United States senators elected. Huron temporary capital.

Spearfish Normal organized.
Dakota Wesleyan University established at Mitchell.

1887. Pierce succeeded by Louis K. Church.

School of Mines founded at Rapid City.

1889. Enabling act of Congress provides for division and admission of South Dakota and North Dakota.

Arthur C. Mellette succeeds Church.
Third Sioux Falls constitutional convention.
Division and admission at last, November 2.
Lutheran Normal School founded at Sioux Falls.

1890. Opening of portion of Great Sioux reservation between White and Cheyenne rivers.

Messiah war. Sitting Bull killed. Battle of Wounded Knee.
Second year of alarming drouth. Many settlers destitute.

1891. Good conditions restored.

1895. Walter W. Taylor, state treasurer, defaults for $367,000, and absconds. Returned and is convicted.

Period of great depression and hard times.
Springfield Normal organized.

1896. The tide turns. Beginning of long period of prosperity.

1898. Spanish War. First South Dakota Infantry sent to Philippines. Distinguished service there.

1899. First South Dakota Infantry returns from Philippines crowned with glory. President McKinley welcomes the regiment home.

1901. Northern Normal and Industrial School opened at Aberdeen.

1904. Opening of portion of Rosebud land brings unprecedented rush of homesteaders. One hundred and six thousand persons apply for right to enter lands.

Mitchell contests with Pierre for state capital. Pierre for third time successful.