Page:A Brief History of the Constitution and Government of Massachusetts (1925).pdf/33

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Early Forms of Government

have constitutions which will, we doubt not, as bad as we are, gladly receive us." Its representatives were instructed to demand a new constitution. The final adoption of the constitution may have prevented Berkshire from to-day being part of the State of New York. At any rate, the Berkshire constitutionalists helped materially to give us a constitution in Massachusetts.

The sea towns in Essex County took a lively interest in political affairs. Here the proposed constitution of 1778 was rejected. At Newburyport the town voted that the selectmen write circular letters to the towns in the county suggesting a convention of delegates to consider the proposed constitution. As a result, some of the most prominent citizens assembled at Treadwell's Tavern in Ipswich. Here a minute and critical examination of the clauses of the proposed constitution was instituted. The various objections made to the constitution and suggestions of what such a document should contain were drawn up by Theophilus Parsons and printed at Newburyport in the form of a pamphlet. It was entitled "The Result of the Ipswich Convention." This pamphlet not only had much influence upon the decision of the towns in rejecting the constitution proposed at that time, but also, by its suggestions, was of great assistance in drafting the constitution finally adopted.

Before taking up that constitution it will be interesting to note some of the provisions of the rejected one. Of course I shall cite only some of its most striking clauses.

Under it, the Governor and Lieutenant-Governor were to be members of the Senate, the Governor being President of this body. The Senate was to consist of twenty-eight members, exclusive of the Governor and Lieutenant-Governor. Vacancies in the Senate were to be filled by the House, which was to be made up of representatives from the