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250 INDEX. 1804), 163, 163, 197, 198; the third (1817-18), 163, 203. Maris, aboriginal tribe in the Cen- tral Provinces, 44. Maruts, the Storm-gods of the Veda, 56- Masulipatam, English agency (1611) and factory (1632), 171 ; taken by Col. Forde (1758), 183. Mauritius, the, conquest of, 200. Mayo, Earl of, Viceroy (1869-72), 231, 232. Medicine, Brahman system of, 64, 65. Meerut, Timur's massacre at (13;t8), 126; outbreak of the Mutiny at (1857), 224. Megasthenes, Seleukos' ambassador to the court of Chandra Gupta, his account of Indian society (300 B.C.), 88, 89. Mehidpur, battle of (1817), 203. Metcalfe, Charles, Lord, acting Governor- General (1835-3(5), 208 ; his mission to Lahore (1809), 201, 213. Miani, battle of (1843), 212. Middleton, Sir Henry, takes a cargo at Cambay (1611), 170. Midnapur ceded to the English (1761), 184. Minerals of India and Burma, 30, 31- Minto, Earl of, Governor- General 1807-18), 200, 201 ; expeditions to Java and the Mauritius, 200 ; embassies to the Punjab, Afghan- istan, and Persia, 201. Mir Jafar made Nawab of Bengal by Clive (1757), 181, 182 ; de- throned (1761), 184; restored (1764), # 185. Mir Jumla's unsuccessful invasion of Assam (1662), 148. Mir Kasim made Nawab of Bengal (1761), 184 ; his revolt and mas- sacre of Patna (1763), 184; de- feated and deposed(1764), 1 84, 185. Moira, Earl of. See Hastings, Mar- quess of. Monson, Col., his retreat before the Marathas (1804), 198. Monsoon, the, 20. Mornington, Earl of. See Wellesley, Marquess. Mount Everest, loftiest peak in the Himalayas and in the known world, 18. Mubarik Shah, last king of Delhi of the house of Khilji, murdered by Khusrii Khan (1316), 123. Mudki, battle of (1845), 214. Mughal dynasty, the (1526-1761), 132-155. See Table of Contents, chap. x. Mughals, irruptions of the, 119, 120, 122, 123, 126. Muhammad of Ghor (1191-1206), his conquests in India, 116-119. Muhammad Tughlak, second king of theTughlak dynasty (1325-51), 124-126; his ferocity of temper, 124; change of capital, 124; forced currency, 124, 125 ; revenue exactions, 125, 126. Muhammadan conquerors of India (714-1526), 109-131. See Table of Contents, chap. ix. Muhammadan influence on Hindu- ism, 109. Muhammadan States in the Deccan, 128, 129. Multan captured by Alexander the Great, 86 : conquered by Ranjit Singh, 213; siege of (1848), 215. Mundavers, cave-dwelling pastoral tribe in Madras, 42. Munro, Sir Hector, wins battle of Baxar (1764), 185. Murad, Prince, executed by Anrang- zeb (1661), 146. Murshidabad made capital of Bengal, 179. Murshid Kuli Khan, Nawab of Ben- gal (1707-28), 179, 180. Music, art of, among the Brahmans, 65, 66. Mutiny of 1857, the, 222-329. See Table of Contents, chap. xv. Muttra destroyed by the Afghans, 152. Mysore, Hindu State of, 177; first Mysore war with Haidar Ali (1780-84), ig, 192 ; second My- sore war with Tipu (1790-92'), 193 ; third Mysore war with Tipu (1799), 196 ; taken under British protectorate (1830), 208; restored to its Maharaja (1881), 209. Nadir Shah, his invasion of India and sack of Delhi (1739), 1 51, 152.