Page:A Brief Outline of the Histories of Libraries.djvu/16

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Introductory Note

"I might relate a great many curious particulars concerning him; but as others[1] have already collected them, and have not even omitted what relates to his education and his early learning, I am obliged to confine myself to such particulars as they have not mentioned." These particulars related to one of Lipsius's greatest faults, for which he was chiefly censured,—his inconsistency with regard to religious beliefs,—and they take on an additional interest when treated by Bayle, who was himself given

  1. Teissier, Additions aux Éloges de M. de Thou, ii. 381, 432; Bullart, Académie des Sciences, ii. 190; Balliet, Enfans Célèbres, 184.