Page:A Brief Outline of the Histories of Libraries.djvu/23

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Introductory Note

Lipsius's works dated from 1599, wherein it is seen that the book in which we are interested, J. Lipsi de Bibliothecis Syntagma, Antverpiae, came, like all of the others, "ex officina Plantiniana, apud J. Moretum."[1] This, to the librarian, is a fact worthy of special note, because it gives the evidence of the friendship that existed between the printer, John Moretus, son-in-law of the great Plantin, founder of the house, "first printer to the king, and the king of printers," and Lipsius, covering a long period of years.

  1. Ed. 1. De Bibliothecis Syntagma, Antwerp, 1602; Ed. 2. Helmstadt, 1620; Ed. 3. Antwerp, 1629. In his Opera Omnia, 1610-30, 1637, 1675.