Page:A Catalogue of Graduates who have Proceeded to Degrees in the University of Dublin, vol. 1.djvu/187

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IN THE UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN. Ill Coghill (John), (Entrance andB. A., not recorded). — LL. B,, Vern. 1673, — LL. D., Vern. 1675. Coghlan (Augustus), B. A., -^st. 1841. CoghlaQ (Charles), Sch., 1792. — B. A., ^st 1794. Coghlan (Charles Lambert), B. D., and D. D., Veni. 1809. 5 Coghlan (Charles Torton), B. A., Veni. 1821 M. A., Mv. 1832. Coghlan (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1730 M. A., ^st. 1733. Coghlan (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1748.— M. A., Oct. 1751. Coghlan (John), B. A., ^st. 1804. Coghlan (John Armstrong), B. A., JEst. 1835. — M. A., ^st. 1862. 10 Coghlan (John Cole), B. A., ^st. 1855.— LL. B., and LL. D., uSst. 1862. Coghlan, or Coughlan (Lucius), B. A., Vern. 1773. — B.D., and D. D., Vern. 1797. Coghlan (Nicholas), B. A., Vern. 1833. Coghlan (Thomas Lloyd), B. A., Vern. 1823.— M. A., JVov. 1832. Colahan (John), B. A., ^st. 1840. 15 Colborne (Hon. Edmund), B. A., Vern. 1856. Colburn (William), B. A., ^4. 1819.— M. A., Mv. 1832. Colclough (Dudley), B. A., Vern. 1789. Colclough (Thomas), B.A,, JSst. 1756.— M. A., ^st. 1763. Cole (Henry), B. A., Ver7i. 1737. 20 Cole (Henry William), B.A., Vern. 1836.— M.B., ^^st. 1840. Cole (John), B. A., Vern. 1841. Cole (John Harding), B. A., Vern. 1858. Cole (John WHloughby), B. A., ^st. 1789. Cole (Robert Michael), B. A., Vern. 1866. 25 Cole (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1792. Cole (Thomas Saville), B. A., ^d. 1863. Cole (Right Hon. Willliam, Earl of Enniskillen), LL. D., {honoris caum), uS^st. 1865. Cole (W^illiam M.), B. A. ^st. 1794 — M. A., ^st. 1804. Cole (William Graham), Sch., 1818.— B.A., Vern. 1821. 30 Coleman (Charles), B. A., Vern. 1789. — M. A., Vern. 1814. Coleman (John Charles), B.A., Vern. 1836. Coleman (William), B. A., Vern. 1708. Coles (Walter), B. A., Vern. 1839. Coletin (Daniel), B. A., Vern. 1745- 35 Colgan (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1722.