Page:A Catalogue of Graduates who have Proceeded to Degrees in the University of Dublin, vol. 1.djvu/32

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xxvi INTRODUCTION. as much and as fully members of the University as they were before the Letters Patent of 21 Vict. The words of the Statutes of Charles I. (cap. 4) just quoted — "Graduumque collationes definiant et concludant," recognize the power of the College to make regulations for conferring Degrees as fully as the words of Elizabeth, that the Provost and Fellows shall prescribe all Acts and scholastic exercises, as well as cere- monial, for conferring Degrees, and it was admitted by all that they had that power from Elizabeth. Accordingly, from the earliest time, the Provost and Fellows made Statutes for the Uni- versity. The Statutes for the College seem to have been com- pleted and put in force about 1607 f the Statutes for the Uni- versity, in or about 161 5. Of these last there is in existence the copy signed by the Fellows, in Provost Temple's handwriting. It wants, unfortunately, aleafwhich containedthe first four chapters.^ The date when these Statutes were subscribed by the Fellows is acertained by the following considerations : — John Pikeman has put his name to them. He was sworn a Fellow 21st October, 1 61 5; these Statutes are therefore later than that date. Again, Kobt. Jones, B. Taylor, and Thos. Peyton were Senior Fellows (as we know from their signatures to other papers), on 26th June, i6i8, but they have not signed these Statutes, which were therefore prior to 1618. We have thus two limiting dates of 2ist October, 1615, and 26th June, 1618, between which the

  • In the College accounts for the Chaps. 6-ii inclusive, are subscribed

Quarter beginning September, 1609, byTempleandtheFellows, viz., John there is the following entry: — "To Egerton, Edw. Warren, Jo. Piddocke, the Beadle for copying out the College or (as he has also signed himself) Statutes, o. 10. o." In the following Pinnocke, Robt. Ussher, and John Quarter, 9th March, i6oi%, we have Pikeman. Hence it appears that the first mention made of censures Dr. Miller is in error when he says upon students for offending against " that the University Statutes do not the Statutes. appear to have received any formal ^ Chaps. 5-", inclusive, are in ratification even from the Provost Temple's hand, also probably chap. and Fellows." Exam. p. 20. Temple 17, except the concluding paragraph, has in no instance signed himself Pro- which is in Bishop Bedell's hand. ros^, although his name is always first.