Page:A Catalogue of Graduates who have Proceeded to Degrees in the University of Dublin, vol. 1.djvu/35

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INTRODUCTION. xxix the Orst Commencements in i6o^ were held, has continued to the present times to be one of the days of annual Commencements. In the Statutes of Temple we find the original of some enact- ments which still continue a part of the constitution of the University Senate. I allude particularly to the institution of the Caput, and to the necessity of a private grace from the Col- lege, preparatory to the public grace from the University.* These rules are of the greatest importance, as a security against the possibility of unfit persons being admitted to De- grees. The Proctors having examined the matter for them- selves, are required to lay before the private meeting of the Provost and Senior Fellows a list of the Candidates who have duly performed all the prescribed acts and exercises for their several Degrees, and whom they believe to be in other respects qualified. If the moral character, the loyalty, or the religious opinions of the Candidate be objected to, the accusation can be enquired into before the Degree is brought before the Senate ; witnesses, if necessary, maybe examined before the Provost and Senior Fellows ; the Deans, the Tutors, the Proctors, and Pro- fessors may be summoned to give their testimony, and the en- quiry is conducted without unnecessary publicity. The cha- racter of the Candidate, for any ordinary offence, is in no way compromised, even though the result be unfavourable to him. The University consisted in Temple's time, as it does now, of the Chancellor, or Vice- Chancellor, with the congregation of Doctors and Masters, who constitute the Senate ; and the Captit Senatus Academici. Besides these, there is the general Assembly of the University, to which Undergraduates, and Bachelors of Arts, who have no seat or vote in the Senate, are admissible. • " Gratiam privatam dicimus earn partis SociorumSeniorimi, an tea com- approbationem, quam a Collegio in mendato." — Taylor's Statutes, cefp.iv. quo degit candidatus ante consequi- ^ This general Assembly, including tur, quam ad petendam in Academia Undergraduates, is recognized when gratiam, accedat." — lemple's Stat,, the University goes in procession, as cap. 15. "Nemini publica Senatus to the funeral of some eminent mem - Academici gratia concedatur, nisi ber, or to present an address to the privata gratia Frsepositi et majoris Crown or to the Lord Lieutenant.