Page:A Catalogue of Graduates who have Proceeded to Degrees in the University of Dublin, vol. 1.djvu/493

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IN THE UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN. 417 MulhoUand (James), B. A., Tern. 1831. Mulholland (John Gelston), B. A., jEst. 1845. Mullaniff (Edward), B. A., Vem. 1825. Mullart (William), Sch., 1692.— B. A., Vem. 1693.— Fellow, 1696. — M.A., ^^s^. 1696.— B.D., Vem. 1706. 5 Mulligan (Mason), Sch., 1825.— B. A., Vem. 1828.— LL.B., and LL. D,, ^st. 1840. Mulligan (Richard), B. A., ^st. 1819. Mullen, or Mullan (John), B. A., Vem. 1677. — M. A., ^st. 1680. Mullen, or Mullant (Patrick), B. A., Vem. 1677. Mullin ( Alan), or Moline (Allan), B. A., Vem. 1676 M. D., Vem. 1684. 10 Mullins (Edward), B. A., Vem. 1843. Mullins(Hon. Frederick), B. A., ^st. 1802. Mullins (Frederick), B. A., Vem. 1828. Mullins (Michael Bernard), (should have taken B. A. in ^st. 1826, but there were no Commencements). — M. A., Vem.. 1834. Mullins (Robert Foster), Sch., 1834 — B. A., Vem. 1836.— LL. B., andLL. D., ^st. 1857. 15 Mullins (William), B. A., Vem. 1829. Mullock (John), Sch., 1747. — B. A., Vem. 1749. Mullock (Thomas), Sch., 1764. — B. A., Vem. 1766. MuUoy (Charles), B. A., ^st. 1809.— M. A., ^st. 1821. MuUoy (Charles Tobias), B.A., ^st. 1848.— LL.B., JEd. 1851. 20 Mulloy (Coote), B. A., ^st. 1825.— M. A., Nov. 1832. Mulloy (Coote Charles), B. A., Vern. 1823. Mulloy (John), B. A., ^st. 1823. MuUoy (William), B. A., ^d. 1829.— M. A., Nov. 1832. Mulloy (William F.), B.A., Vem. 1852. 25 Mulloy (William Gorges), B. A., Hiem. 1863. MuUoy (William James), B. A., Vem. 1837. — M. A., ^st. 1840. Mulock (Horatio), B. A., Vem. 1856. Mulock (Thomas), B. A., Vem. 1856. Mulvany (Chaiies Pelham), Sch., 1854 — B.A., Vern. 1856. 30 Mulvany (Henry IJ.), B. A., Vem. 1815.— M. A., JEst. 1847. MulvihiU, or Mulville (WUliam), B. A., Vem. 1818.— M. A., and M.B., ^st. 1824. Mulville (IJrquhart St. George), B. A., Vem. 1857. MulviUe (WUliam Geale), B.A., Vem. 1850. 3h