Page:A Catalogue of Graduates who have Proceeded to Degrees in the University of Dublin, vol. 1.djvu/51

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INTRODUCTIOX. xlv using the offensive phrase that the title of both sovereigns rested on the same foundation, " eodem nititur fundamento." We have no means of knowing what pretence Forbes had for addressing the assembly at all, or why he was allowed to do so. He seems to have spoken in Latin, as the University Statutes required ; and his words gave the greatest offence. They were regarded as an open defiance to the loyalty of the nation. Forbes was expelled from the College by the Provost and Senior Fellows, and suspended from every Degree, suscepto rel suscipiendo ; and then afterwards at a meeting of the Vice-Chancellor, Doctors and Masters, 2nd August, 1708, deprived and degraded by the University. A strong declaration of loyalty was then drawn up and circulated.^ This document is, of course, in Latin, and is worth preserving here : — " Cum quidara mali feriati homines, et alii plurimi (quibus Veritas non satis perspecta sit) inclytam hujus Regni Academlam criminentur, quasi sedi- siosos quosdam etin serenissimam nostram Reginam Annara, ejusque regimen male animates gi-emio suo alat et foveat. Nos Vice-Cancellarius, Doctores, et Magistri Academlam pr^dictag, in domo Congregationis solenniter congregati, ut gravem banc oaluraniam repellamus, et ab eadem tam nos ipsos, quam ■^ A vindication of the University, was in pursuance of the said Sus- in Latin and English, printed in pa- pension, Deprived and Degraded." rallel columns, was published in a A copy of this printed broadside broad sheet with the following title: — (pi'obably unique) is in the Li- " Declaration of the University of brary of the College. Vol. i.. No. 81, Dublin. Made and subscribed upon of a collection of similar documents, the second day "of August, 1708, by entitled "Irish Pamphlets," said to the Vice-Chancelloi', Doctors and have been made by Lord Mornington, Masters of the same, congregated in father of the Great Duke of Welling- their Regent House. At the time ton. The original, with the autograph when one Mr. F., a Master of Arts signatures of the Vice-Chancellor of the said University (being for (St. George Ashe, Bishop of Clogher), scandalous words, reflecting on the the Provost (Peter Browne), the memory of King William, expelled Archbishop ofDublin(Winiam King), the College, and by the Provost and and 93 other members of the Senate, Senior Fellows suspended from all is still extant on a long parchmentroll, Degrees, taken, or to be taken), preserved among the College papers.