Page:A Catalogue of Graduates who have Proceeded to Degrees in the University of Dublin, vol. 1.djvu/541

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IN THE UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN. • 465 Porter (Frank Thorp), B. A., Fern. 1823. — M. A., Mv. 1832. Porter (George Hornidge), B. A., Fern. 1845. — M. B., Fern. 1846. — M.D., ^st. 1865. Porter (John), LL.D. {specialigratid), Fern. 1692. Porter (John), B. A., JEst. 17 15. 5 Porter (John), B. A., Fern. 1828. — M. A., JEst. 1831. Porter (John Leech), B. A., Vern. 1857. Porter (Robert), B. A,, Fern. 1794. Porter (Thomas Hamblin), Sch., 1817. — B. A., Fern. 1819.— M. A., ^st. i832,_B.D., and D. D., Vern. 1836. Porter ("William), B. A., Fern. 1742. 10 Porter (William), B. A., Vern. 1846. Porter (William Henry), B. A., jEst. 1810.— M. A., Fern. 1814.— M. D., JEst. 1 842. Porterfield (James), Sch., 1792. — B. A., ^s^. 1795. Porteus (William), B. A., Vern. 1783. Portis (George Macartney), B. A., jEst. 1783. 15 Portlock (Joseph Ellison), LL. D. {honoris causa), Sept. 2, 1857. Posnett (Robert), B. A,, Fern. 1844 M. A., ^st. 1859. Postlethwaite (Colin), B. A., Vern. 1832.— M. A., JEst. 1838. Potter ( ), D. D. (ad eund.) Jan. 26, 1661. Potter (Frederick Augustus), B. A., ^Est. 1804. — M. A., Fern. 1808. 20 Potter (John), B. A., Vern. 1851. Potter (John), B. A., Vern. 1856.— M.B., Fern. 1857. Potter (Joseph), Sch., 1825.— B. A., Fern. 1827.— M. A., ^s^. 1831. Potter (Joseph Lockington), B. A., Fern. 1864. Potter (Lewis), B. A., Vern. 1819— M. A., Nov. 1832. 25 Potter (Lewis P.), B. A., Fern. 1851 M. A., Vern. 1S56. Potter (Robert), B. A., Vern. 18 16. Potter (Robert), B. A., Fern. 1856. Potter (Samuel George), B. A., ^sf. 1845.— M. A., ^st. 1865. Potter (Samuel Reginald), B. A., Vern. 1850. — M. B., Fern. 1856, 30 Potter (William), B. A., Fern. 1859. Potterton (Edward), B. A., Fern. 1851. Potterton (Frederick Augustus), B. A., Fern. 1853. — LL. E., and LL. D., Hiem. 1864. Potterton (John), B. A.. Fern. 1824. — M. A., Nov. 1832. 30