Page:A Catalogue of Graduates who have Proceeded to Degrees in the University of Dublin, vol. 1.djvu/65

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INTRODUCTION. lix of SO much land of " the Hogging Green" as shall be thought convenient by the Mayor and three City Trustees, " that the same be converted to a place of punishment of oifenders, and putting idle persons on work, to be named by the name of a Bridewell, and that the same orders, constitutions, and laws shall be established by order of the assembly, and executed in the same place, at the charge and maintenance of the city, as are ordained, constituted, and used in Bridewell in London." And that the same House should continue and not be con- verted to any other use, it was agreed by a clause of proviso "that if by any default of the Corporation, the House (after the Petitioners have finished the building), shall be converted to any other use than for a Bridewell, or place of punishment, as afore- said, then the Feoffees, their heirs and assigns, shall stand seised of the said House, &c., for the use of the Petitioners, their heirs and assigns, until such time as the same shall be re-established as a Bridewell, in form aforesaid, and no longer." Vacancies among the Feoffees, if more than two, were to be filled up by the survivors, who were to convey the property, with the same trusts and provisos, to six sufficient persons — three to be nomi- nated by the Mayor for the time being, and three by the Peti- tioners, or their heirs. This was finally agreed to, and the Cor- poration seal affixed, 27th Jan. i6o|. Difficulties, however, seem to have arisen with George Breddam, the person employed to build the Bridewell, who appears to have carried on the work so far as to have ren- dered the house habitable, and to have lived in it himself. Then it turned out that money was not forthcoming, and the death of Dr. Challoner, 27th April, 1613, brought matters to a point. Breddam appealed to the Privy Council, who appointed two Commissioners^ Samuel Molineux, and Jacob Newman, who re- ported (8th February, 16 if), that Breddam should be allowed £40 English, the whole of his claim, on the condition that he delivers the House complete, tiled, " furnished as now it is, with wainscot, doors, &c., which will be some additional expense to him."