Page:A Catalogue of Graduates who have Proceeded to Degrees in the University of Dublin, vol. 1.djvu/71

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INTRODUCTION. Ixv Houses." But it was thought fit to give them no less than three — two in Bridge-street, and one in Back-lane. The two in Bridge- street were, one of them a Capuchin convent, and the other an ordinary secular chapel; the third, in Back-lane, was a College of the Jesuits.* The " Mass House " in Back-lane, according to Mr. Gilbert, " a fair collegiate building," was called Kildare Hall, because the ground on which it stood had been leased to Wentworth, Earl of Kildare by the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, to whom it belonged. On the 14th of September, 1630, we find from the Eegister of Trinity College that "two Bachelors were appointed Masters in Bridge-street, their place to be annually elective." Again, " 1 8th April, 1634, another was appointed Lecturer of all the Scholars undergraduates in Bridge-street, to receive a quarterly Tuition ; and also the same quarterly rent for their chambers there, as were paid for chambers in College, viz., o. 3. 4. from a F. Commoner, and o. 1.8. from a Pensioner." In July 1630, we have the following note : " The Provost and Fellows have lent £20 Ster. for the furnishing of the new College. It is further agreed that the two last classes shall remain there for two years (except Fellow Commoners) ; the Kector is to be their Tutor, and elective annually." This probably relates to the house in Bridge-street,*^ which seems to have been called " New College." ' Gilbert, Hist, of Dublin^ vol. i., chapel, for a similar reason, was p. 328. He adds:— "The University called "Kildare Chapel." — Gilbert, located about eighteen scholars in Hist, of Dublin., p. 242, this convent [in Bridge-street] which •= Dr. Barrett has said, "Whether was styled St. Stephen's Hall; pray- this relates to the Mass House so be- ers being read there twice a day, and stowed, or to Trinity Hall, I am not it continued to be known as the Col- certain." The Mass House in Back- lege in Bridge-street, down to the lane "was subsequently converted year 1647." See Elrington's Life of into a Government hospital, for which Ussher, p. 106, n. purpose it was used till the conclusion At an annual rent of £12. The of the reign of Charles II.— Gilbert,