Page:A Catalogue of Graduates who have Proceeded to Degrees in the University of Dublin, vol. 1.djvu/73

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INTRODUCTION. Ixvii Lords Justices and State of Ireland did usually resort, to the great countenan- cing of the Protestant religion there. But after the Earl of Strafford came to the government, the lecture was put down, the scholars displaced, and the house became a Masse-house as it had formerly been."* It is very doubtful whether the gift of these houses was of any benefit to the College. It appears by a receipt, dated 20th April, 1637, that the College " paid £10 a year to Edw. Jans, for one-half of the house in Bridge-street in the hands of the College ; the rest of the rent was to be paid by one White, to whom it had been formerly let," But the troublous times were now at hand ; public opinion was disorganized, rents, over the whole country, were Avithheld, and the College was reduced to the greatest extremity, for want of funds. In every part of Ireland, dissafi'ection and dissatis- laction with the government of the country prevailed. An order of Parliament, 8th June, 1641, prohibited all elections to Fel- lowships and Scholarships until further notice : and the same year the great Irish Rebellion broke out. It was not possible, therefore, for the College to support the additional expenses, created by these new Halls or Schools, and they were soon allowed to get into disrepair. The Charter and Statutes of Charles I. make no mention of additional Halls or Colleges in the University ; nor is it easy to say how long they continued. But we have seen that the College paid a rent,** for at least one of them, up to April, 1637, which was therefore in the possession of the College until then. This is con- firmed by the curious fact that it was made the i8th article of the Impeachment of the Earl of Strafford, " That, for the better effecting of his traiterous Designs and wicked Purposes, he did endeavour to draw dependency upon himself of the Pa- ' A Declaration of the Commons, ward Jones " who was Mayor of concerning the Rise and Progress of Dubhnini627 — 'SV&ve^Antiq.Dubl.^ the Grand EebeUion in Ireland. 1705, p. 170. Lond., 1643, p. 6. ^ This seems to have been head Entered in the Register. rent, or ground rent. " This was probably the same "Ed-