Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/108

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Reference Library, Birmingham












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Baud of Hope Journal : see Band of Hope Union. Band of Hope Union (Birmingham) :— The Birmingham Band of Hope Journal. Nos. 3, 5, and Vol. 2, Ne. 8 (Nov., 1858, Jan., 1859, May, 1860). (Birmingham : Band of Hope Union). 2 vols. duo. 1858-9. NOTE—Vol. 2, no. 3, és called “ ‘The Star of Hope, or Band of Hope Journal.” Midland Temperance League and Birmingham Band of Hope Union. Pieces to be sung at Great Temperance Fete, 1882. pp. 16. 8vo. [1882]. United Kingdom Band of Hope Union. Handbook of the 30th Autumnal Provineial Conference at Birmingham, 1898, under the auspices of the Birminghain Band of Hope Union. pp, 76. Illus, 8vo. [1898]. Band of Hope Union (Birmingham and Midland) :— ; Birmingham and Midland Band of Hope Union. Report, 1906, 1608, etc. duo, [1907, ete.]. Bank Monthly (The). A magazine for bank officials. Nos. 1-6 (Jan.-June, 1878). (Birmingham). duo. 1878. Bankers (Institute of), Birmingham Centre :— Lakin-Smith (H.) Income Tax: matters of interest to bankers, ete, An Address at Queen’s College, Birmingham, to the Birmingham Centre of the Institute of Bankers. pp. 32. 8vo, 1914, Bankruptcy :— Edwards (A.) The Bankruptey Act, 1883, and its operation and aclininistra- tion in Birmingham. Paper before the Birmingham and Midland Society of Chartered Accountants 1889: pp. 89. Svo. [1889]. Bankruptcy Proceedings : see Deeds. Ban ks — General. Warwiekshire Photographic Survey. Birmingham Bank Notes, ete, Photo- graphs. obl. 4to, 1905-6. Individual Banks. a of Birmingham, Deed of Settlement. Bank of Birmingham, pp. 53. duo. 1832. —Lovell (E. B.) A Letter, addressed to the Proprietors of the Bank of Bir- mingham. pp. 16. 8vo. [1834]. —Report by the dircetors of the Bank of Birmingham, to the Ist yearly general mecting, 1833; with a list of directors, proprietors, ete, pp, 14. duo. 1833, Birmingham and Midland Banking Company. Copy Deed of Settlement of the Birmingham and Midland Banking Company. pp. 86, duo. 1836. Birmingham Banking Company, Birmingham Banking Company. Established 1829.—Extencded 1837. [Deed of settlement, Feb, 14, 1838]. pp. 68. Svo. 1838, —{Birminghan Banking Company. Investigation Committee's Report, 1868. Jn Birmingham newspaper serap hook, Newspaper cuttings collected by G. H. Osborne, Vol. 1. pp. 162-171]. 4to, [1866-72]. —The Birmingham Banking Company Limited. [Prospectus, ete.]. pp. 8. fol. [1866]. —Copy of the Deed of Settlement of the Birmingham Banking Company, [1829]. pp. 55. duo. 1830. Sete for establishing a Commercial Bank in Birmingham, pp. 3. ol, 1829,

—Report of the directors of the Birmingham Banking Company Limited,

ee at the 7th general mecting, with a list of proprietors. pp. 32. duo. 1873,

Birmingham Mutual Bank. Daniels (F. W.) Explanatory Book of the Ideal Benefit Society and the Birmingham Mutual Bank, Limited. pp. 48. duo. 1907.