Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/146

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Reference Library, Birmingham

G1985 63258




105403 7120


Birmingham Inspector (The); a periodical work, [chiefly political. Nos. 1-16 (Jan. 4—Aug. 23, 1817)]. All published. 8vo, 1817.

1 Another copy-} : ee ot ie

Birmingham Tris (The). and Midland Counties Monthly Magazine. Vol. 1, nos. 1-4 (Jan.-April, 1839). 8vo. 1839. ’

Birmingham Journal (The). [Weekly newspaper.] No. 28, May 21, 1733. (1. Warren). [Photograph (1913) of the only known copy (in possession of the proprictors of the Birminghain Daily Post). fol. 1733.

Birmingham Journal. [Weekly newspaper]. 29 vols, fol. 1829-68.

NOTE—At various times the title was; Birmingham Journal and General Advertiser; Birmingham Journal: Birmingham Journal and Conmamercial Advertiser, The set coapist< of -— 1829, Dee. 26. 1831. Ap. 9. 1834. Oct. 11; Dee. 6, 13, 27. 1835. Jan, 3 te Feb, 28; Mar,.l4to Ap. 18; Aug. 29; Oct. 17; Dee. 26. 1836, Feb. G, 20,27; Mar. 5; Mar. 26to Ap, 30; May 14,21,28; Junoll; July 9; “Sep. 17; Oct, 15, 20; Dec. 10, 17, 24. 1837. Mar. 25; June 24; Nov. 4. 1838. Complete. 1839. Complete except Sept. 28. 1840. Complete except Jan. 25. 1841. Complete except Feb. 13. 1842, Complete, 1843, Complete except Sep, 2 to 30 imperfect. 1846, Complete except Aug, 22, 29, 1849, Complete except Sep, 1 (imperfect); Sep, 8. 1850. Complete except Jan. 5 to Mar. 30; July 13, 1851. Complete except Mar. 1; May 31 (imperfect). 1852. Complete except July 3. 1853. Complete except July 40. 1854, Complete except Jan, 14 (imperfect); Mar. 4. 1855, Complete except Mar, 17 (tmperfect); Sep, 1 (imperfect); Dee. 8 (imperfect). 1856. Complete except Nov. 5; Deo, 17. 1857. Complete except May 30. 1858. Complete, 1860. Feb. 11. Is8til. Complete. 1sd4. Ang, 1, 8, 22, 1864. Complete except Jan, 16; Mar, 11, 1865. Jan, 7 to Mar, 25; Ap. 8, 22,20; May 6; May 20 to June 17; July 8, 15; July 29 to Aug. 19; Sep. 2 to Oct. 28; Nov. 11 to Dec, 9; Dee. 23, 30. I8hiG, Ap, 28; May 5,12; June 16 to Oct. 27; Dec. 8 to 29, 4 1867, Complete. 1868, Complete.

Birmingham Journal: see also Collis (George Riehmond); Newspaper cuttings ;

Rambles ground Birmingham ; Taylor (James).

Birmingham Journal and Commereial Advertiser: see Birmingham Journal,

Birminghem Journal and General Advertiser: see Birmingham Journal.

Birmingham Lealer (The). [Liberal weekly newspaper]. Nos. 1-29 (Ap. 26— Nov. 8, 1800). 2 vols. fol. 1890,

—[ Another copy.}

Birmingham Leaficts. No. 1 [The British Race identical with the lost tribes of Israel, by J. Warry.] pp. 4. Svo. [0.1872].

Birmingham Liberal Review : see Liberal Review.

Birmingham, London & Liverpool Tradesman’s Adyertiser: see ‘Tradesiman’s Advertiser.

Birmingham Magazine of Arts and Industries: see Arts and Industries.

Birmingham Magazine (The); or, Lady's and Gentleman's Weekly Amusement. Vol. 1, (No. 1] (Oct., 1770). Svo. 1770,