Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/158

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Reference Library, Birmingham

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GOT 96


Booksellers’ Catalogues (continued) :-— a:

Walker's (E[izabeth]) Catalogue of hooks and new publications, ete. pp. 45, 8. duo. 1837.

Walter (J. C.) Catalogue of books, manuscripts, ete., chiefly connected with Warwickshire families. pp. 10, 8vo. [e.1870}].

Wilson (J.) Dr. RK. W. Dale's Library. pp. 16, 8vo. {71895}.

Boot Trades Association (Birmingham and District) :—

Fifth Provincial Shoe, Leather, and Machinery Exhibition and Market, 1910,

Bingley Hall, Birmingham. Catalogue. 8vo. [1910]. Boori (Joun K.) —

Address delivered in the Theatre of the Queen’s College, Birmingham, 1857. pp. 15. 8vo. [1857].

—|{ Another ein.) In Annals of the Queen’s College, Birmingham, Vol. 2. Svo, 1873.

Booth (Richard T.) Work relating to :— '

Gospel Temperance Herald & Blue Ribbon Official Gazette. Speeial Daily edition, being a record of the Birmingham Mission, conducted by R. T. Booth ; edited by Rev. Charles Leach, Nos, 2-22. (May 17—June 9.) fol. 1882.

Booth (William) coiner and forger, Work relating to: —

[Newspaper cuttings.| Mystery of Booth’s Farm: an old Birmingham story, [by J. C, Walters, and other cuttings relating to Booth collected by CG. H. ~ Osborne.) 4to. [1867-1908].

Boots, Cash Chemists, Birmingham :—

Fine Art Photographic Views of Birmingham. Photographed and published

by Boots. [With deseriptive notes.] 20 pp. obl. 4to. [1897]. Borderland of Birmingham, by John Hingeley ; see Hingeley. Bordesley :—

Darwall (J.) Address to the Parents of Poor Children in the hamlets of Deritend and Bordesley [on Sunday Schools.} pp. 19. duo. 1815.

Map of Deritend and Bordesley, Manuseript. fol, 1842.

‘To the Inhabitants of Deritend and Bonlesley, [Skit in verse on candidates for election as street commissioners, signed : Vivat Rex.] pp. 3. Svo. [1828].

Turmer (T.) History of the Old Ship Inn, Camp Hill, with an account of Bordesley, &e. pp. 64. Illus. 8vo. [1863]. -

Panleat me Liberal Association: see Liberal Association (Bordesley Vision). Lorlesley Elector (The). A Journal for the People. Nos. {1}, 2 (Jan. 10, 15,). [Jn

Birmingham Parliamentary Elections. A collection of leaflets, ete.) fol. 1906.

Bordesley Green Academy :—

General outline of a plan of Education, adopted by Rev. T. Edgell, in his

Acatlemy, Bordesley Green. pp. 15. duo, 1803. Bordesley Liberal Club :—

Bordesley Liberal Club. Reereation Committee’s Programme, Oct.-Dee.,

1908. pp. 4. duo, 108. Bordesley Literary Union :-—

Oldknow (J.) Confession and Absolution, A sermon preached in the Church of the Holy ‘Trinity, Bordesley, 1873, [Printed for the Bordesley Literary Union.| pp. 18, duo. [1873].

Bordesley Manor :— :

A Map of Boriesley Menor, by J. Tomlinson, 1760, reduced, Jn Plans of Birmingham and vieinity, copied, ete., by order of the Public Works Com- uuttee of Birmingham. fol, 1884.