Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/161

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Birmingham Collection
  • Boveuton (RUTLAND) -—

244006 The death and resurrection of the Musiex! Festival, [with referenees to the Birmingham Festival.] (Musical matters of moment, No. 1.) pp. 20. Svo. [21913]. Boulders: sce Geology.

  • BouLmencErR (C. L.).

Bouton (Marritrw) :—

13814 Direetions for erecting and working the newly-invented Steam Engines. By Boulton and Watt. pp. 4. 24. 16. Jius. duo, [71780]. 69673 [Letter on the inelosure of Needwood Forest.] pp. 8. 8vo. 1800. Boulton (Matthew) Works relating to :-— 170660 Act to enable Matthew Boulton, engineer, to export the machinery necessary

for erecting a Mint in the dominions of the Emperor of all the Russias. (89 Geo. LIL, ¢. 96.) 4to. 1799.

COTOL Barker (G.) An answer to the letter of Mr. W. Whateley, [with the latter's reply, in reference to the dispute as to M. Bonlon’s Funeral.] pp. 22. 3. 8yo. 1811.

82934 Chubb (I. W.) Some Boulton and Watt letters [in the Tangye collection in

the Reference Library]. pp. 2. From ‘‘ Power.” [Jn A collection of letters, ete., relating to Boulton and Watt, collected by S, Timmins, etc.]. 4to. 1912.

S2034 [A collection of original letters, newspaper cuttings, portraits, views, etc., relating to Matthew Boulton, James Watt, and Soho, collected by 8. Timinins, ete.|. fol. [1761, ete.|.

$2934 Copies of contracts made with Mr. Boulton for coining copper into twopenny pieces, penny picees, halfpennies, and farthings, 1797-1807. [Parliamentary Report.) pp. 16, (In A eolleetion of letters, etc., relating to Boulton and Watt, collected by S$, Timmins, ete]. fol. 1819.

134506 Dent (R. K.) and Hill (J.) Historie Staffordshire, [ineluding a ehapter on “A captain of Industry,” ie. Matthew Boulton.| Port. Illus. 4to. 1896,

225236 —[ Another copy.|

220077 [Docket of licence mudler His Majesty's sign manual, subseribed hy the Attorney General, for Matthew Boulton and others, to establish a theatre in Jiir- imingham.| Manuscript, Oct., 1807.

60400 Documents relative to an investigation of the manner in which the funeral of the late M. Boulton was funished. {Published for M, Rt. Boulton.) pp. 68. Svo, ISIE,

GU300 —| Another edn.] pp. 05, S8vo. 1811. GOT0S Lander (G.) An Answer to the pamphlet of M, R. Boulton, relative to his father’s funeral. pp. 66. 8vo. 1811. 69671 Menwirs of Matthew Boulton, late of Soho, Handsworth, Staffordshire. pp. 16. Port. duo, 1809. 243200 Osborne (G. H,) Extracts relating to Boulton, Watt, and Eginton, 1808- 1895, Manuseript, 4to. [e, 1895). 0032 Smiles (8.) Lives of Boulton aml Watt; principally from the original Soho MSS., ete. Ports, Ilus. 8vo. 1865, 11752 Smiles (S,) Lives of the Engineers, (Vol. 4]. ‘The Steam-Engine, Boulton and Wait. New and revised edn. Ports. Illes, duo, 1878. 88041 Smiles (S.) Men of Invention and Industry : [including Boulton, Murdock, Watt, ete.|, duo. 1884. 109842 [Specimen of Boulton and Watt's agreement with their customers. pp. 3.

In A collection of letters, cte., relating to Boulton and Watt, colleeted by 8, Timmins, ete.}, fol, 1801.