Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/179

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Birmingham Collection

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Brooks (John Gent) Works relating to :—

Memoir of John Gent Brooks; Minister to the poor in Birmingham, Port. duo. 1854,

—{ Another copy.]

Brooks (John Gent) : see also New Meeting [for the reports of his ‘‘ Ministry to the Pen]. Brotherhood Council (National), Birmingham Conference, 1913 -—

The Brotherhood Journal: Conference supplement. Report of the 14th National Brotherhood Conference held in Birmingham. pp. 32. Ports. Illus, 8vo. 1913.

Horne ( Rev, C, Silvester) The Brotherhood movement. A new protestantism. Presidential address to the National Brotherhood Conference, Birmingham. (National Brotherhood Council.) 8yo. [1913].

National Brotherhood Council. 14th Annual conference, Birmingham, 1913. [Handbook, edited by F, A. Rees.] Ports, Illus. Map, duo. 1913.

Brotherhood Federation (Birmingham and Midland) :—

Birmingham and Midland Brotherhood Federation (P.S.A’s, A.B.C.’s,

Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, and Kindred Societies). Year Book, 1912, ete.

Ports. 8vo. (1912, ete.].

NOTH —For carlicr publientions see P.3.A., A.D.C., Brotherhood and Kindred Societies (Birmingham and Midland Union of). $

Brotherhood News. Issued by Birmingham and Midland Federation of Brother- hoods & Kindred Societies. Nos. 1-6 (Oct., 1912—March, 1913). Ports. Illus. All qublished. 8vo. 1912-13.

Fifty doctors against alechol. A call to national defence. [Addresses to Brotherhoods in Birmingham, July 23, 1911. Birmingham and Midland Federation of Brotherhoods,] Illus, 8vo. (71012). ;

Fletcher (Archibald) Birmingham and Midland Federation of P.S.A., A.B.C., Brotherhood, Sisterhood, and Kindred Societies. ‘‘ Secretarial Work.” Paper read at a Conference of Secretaries. pp. 8. 8vo. [1911}.

Social Service Guide to Workers. pp. 67. (Birmingham and Midland Brotherhood Federation.) duo, 1913.

Brotherhood News. Issued by Birmingham and Midland Federation of Brother- hoods, Sisterhoods & Kindred Societies. Nos. 1-6 (Oct., 1912—March, 1913). Ports, Illus. AU published. 8vo. 1912-13.

Brotherhoods : see also Soho Hill Brotherhood ; Stratford Road Baptist Church [for Sparkbrook Men's Meeting.}.

Brotherly Benefit Society (Birmingham) : see Unitarian Brotherly Benefit Society,

Brotherly Society : see Unitarian Brotherly Benefit Society,

Broven (Wunttam) : see Booksellers’ Catalogues.

Brovcuam (Henry) Ist Baron Brougham and Vaux :—

National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. [Birmingham meeting,] 1857. Inaugural addresses, by Lord Brougham, etc. pp. 70. 8yo. 1858.

  • Brown (ApRIAN J.).

Brown (Artuur L. JENKyYN): see Jenkyn Brown. Brown (J.) :—

Gothead. A legend of Birmingham, eight hundred years ago. A poem, pp. 8.

duo, [c.1870].

Brown (Joun J.) :-— ' ‘ Midland Association of Baptist Churches. Cireular letter, 1871. [The duties of the stronger churches toward the weaker. Anon.}. pp. 12. 8vo. [171].

Brown (Tom) the less, [?pseud. of Richard Jenkinson]: see Jenkinson,