Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/188

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Reference Library, Birmingham

115806 186180 185982 108720 184540 148579 215892

185506 152211


184540 ,


64387 15409 67128

(0363 (64257

182130 63242 66340

245604 42438


215502 238401

Burne-Jones (Sir Edward) Works relating to (continued) :—

Bell (Malcolm) Edward Burne-Jones : a record and review. Illus. fol. 1892.

[Bell (Malcoln)] Sir Edward Burne-Jones. pp. avi. 56, Illus..( Newnes’ Art Library.) Svo, [21905].

Birmingham Musewn and Art Gellery. Catalogue of the Collection of Drawings, ete., by Sir E. Burne-Jones and D. G. Rossetti. pp. 78. duo. 1904.

Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. Handbook to the collections of , paintings by G. F. Watts and E. Burne-Jones. pp. 24. duo. [1885].

Bfurne)-Jfones] (Lady G[corgina }) Memorials of Edward Burne-Jones [including his life in Birmingham}. 2 vols. 8vo, 1904.

Cartwright (Julia) Sir Edward Burne-Jones, [Art Annual for 1894.) pp. 32. Tilus. 4to. 1894.

Catterson-Sinith (R,) Sir Edward Burne-Jones. Port. In Nine famous Bir- mingham men, duo. 1909. ;

De Lisle (F.) Burne-Jones. Jilus. (Little books on Art.) duo. 1904.

Jallanee (A.) The Decorative Art of Sir Edward Burne-Jones. pp. 32. [Tlus. (Easter Art Annual, 1900.) 4to. 1900.

[Wood (T. M.)] Drawings of Sir Edward Burne-Jones. pp. 11. 46. Illus, ( Drawings of the Great Masters, [| Vol. 2}). 4to. |71205).

Burxe-Jones (Grorcina) Lady Burne-Jones :—

Memorials of Edward Burne-Jones [including his life in Birmingham], by - G. B.-J. [his wife]. 2 vols. 8vo. 1904,


Authentic report of the discussion between J, Burnet and T. M. M’Donuell, 7th and Sth ef Aug., 1827, in Mount Zion Chapel, Birmingham. ou the Rule of Faith among Catholies and Protestants, (B. Hudson.) duo. 1827.

—2nd edn, duo. 1827,

—3nl edn. 8vo. 1827.

Correct and impartial report of the discussion at Mount Zion Chapel, Bir- minghain, between 'T. M. MeDonnell, and J. Burnet, 7th and Sth of Aug., 1827. (W. Nicholls.) 8vo, 1827,

—2nd edn. duo. 1827.

Voluntary Church Societies. Lecture in the ‘Town Hall, Birmingham, at a public meeting of the Binningham Voluntary Church Society, 1836. pp. 26. duo. [1836].

Burns (Robert) Works relating to :—

[Evans (Sebastian)| Rhymes read in the Queen’s Drawing Room at Aston Hall, 1859, in memory of the birth of R. Burns, 1759. pp, 8. duo. (1859). —{ Another copy.)

Burrace (Joux W.) :—

A descriptive geography of Werwickshire, ete., [containing references to Birmingham], pp. 32. (Wanwvick.) duo, 1872.

  • Burnirr (Evmv) :—

Burritt’s Bond of Brotherhood. [Organ of the League of Universal Brother- hood.) Vol. 1 (Aug. 1846—July 1847). (Birmingham, ete.). 8vo. 1846-7.

Walks in the Black Country and ifs green border-land, [ilus. duo. 1872. NOTE.~-Hirmingham, pp. 1-127,

Burrow (G. H. 8.) -—

John Henry Cardinal Newman, by A. R. Waller and G. H. 8. Burrow, Port. (Westminster Biographies.) duo. {1901}.

  • Burstatt (Hexry FRepeRiIc Wu1nL1AM ):—

James Watt. Jn Nine famous Birmingham Men, duo. 1909. Modern development of large yas engines. (Birmingham Association of Mechanical ‘Engincers.) pp. 26. 8vo. [L911}.