Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/190

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Reference Library, Birmingham

Button Trade: see Industries and Commerce.

Buyer's Guide; see Directories.

Byam (Martin):—

243345 64853 198860 53720 §4852 202180 69309 66984 72248 124855 109079 109087 148916 109086 109085 233317

57689 (9232


Grand Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime, Robinson Crusoe. Book of the Words. pp. 32. 8vo. [1890].

Bye-Laws of the City fin chronological order] a

Bye Laws, Rules, and Orders, for licensing Hackney Coaches, Chariots, Cars, Cabriolets, &c. to ply for hire within and for four miles round the Town of Binningham, pp. 20. duo. 1840,

—|[ Another edn.] pp. 28. duo. 1850. :

Charter of Incorporation of the Borough of Birmingham, 1838. [With the Standing Orders of the Council and Byelaws.] pp. 28. duo. 1851.

Borough of Birmingham, Laws relating to Hackney Carriages. pp. 31. duo. 1852,

Borough of Birmingham. Laws relating to Hackney Carriages, [Common Lodging Houses, Slaughter Houses, and Knackers Yards.| pp. 53. duo, 1856,

Borongh of Birmingham. Bye-laws for the Regulation of Markets and Fairs, pp. 39. duo. 1867.

Borough of Birmingham. Sanitary Act, 1866, ete. Regulations in regard to Houses and parts of Howes let in Lodgings, etc. pp. 7. 8vo. [1875],

Borough of Birmingham. Bye-laws for regulating the construction of new — streets and new buildings, adopted by the Town Council, 1876. pp. 21. Svo. [1876].

—| Another copy.)

City of Birmingham. Bye-laws and Regulations. 8vo. [1890].

City of Birmingham. Bye-laws relating to the sale of Coal, pp. 7. 8vo. 1890.

City of Birmingham. Bye-laws and Regulations. [1890 edition, with additions to 1899.] 8vo. [1890-9].

City of Birmingham. Bye-laws with respect to the Bell Street Fish Market. pp. 3. 8vo, 1890.

City of Birmingham, Regulations with respect to Dairies, Cowsheds, & Milk- shops. pp. 7. 8vo, [1891].

City of Binningham. Bye-laws and Regulations. In force [October, 1911, ete.}. 8vo. [1911, ete.].

Byclaws: see also Aston Byelaws; Baths; Council; Industrial School ; Justices of the Peace; King’s Norton and Northficld Byelaws ; Libraries (Free Public); Lunatic Asylums ; Police ; Prisons ; Street Commissioners (1769-1851); Workhouses.

Byxxer (Henry) :-—

The ‘Trial of J. Binns, Deputy of the London Corresponding Society, for sedition [at Birmingham.]. pp. 84. duo. 1797.

—| Another copy.)

©. (A. B.) &c. [pseud.]; see Considerations on the Subject of Reformation of Manners, etc. C. (I.) of the Outer Temple [pseud. of John Cotton]: see Cotton. C— (J—) [i.e, John Cotton] :— Election Squibs ; see Cotton. C. (J.) [ie. Rev. John Cuckson) :— Earl Beaconsfield : a political sketch ; see Cuckson. C. (J. W.) -— Phases of Thought. No. I.—Unitarianism. A sketch of the life and writings of Joseph Priestley. pp, 16, duo, 1861.