Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/196

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Reference Library, Birmingham

Camp Hill:—







59633 200882 177408







Warwickshire Photographic Survey. Camp Hill. Photographs. obl. 4to. [¢.1880). Camp Hill (Battle of), 1643 : see Civil War. Camp Hill Créche, Orphanage and Laundry : see Créche. Camp Hill Grammar School: see Grammar Schools of King Edward VI.; Old

Edwardians’ Chib (Camp Hill).

Camp Hill Old Edwardians’ Club: see Old Edwardians’ Club (Camp Hill). Camp Hill: see also Civil War ; Meteorology ; Ship Inn ; Stratford House. Campnent (Rev. ALEXANDER B.) :— .

A Sermon in aid of the Incorporated Society for the building, etc,, of churches ard chapels, preached in St. Philip’s Church, Birmingham, with a farewell address. pp. 40. duo. 1834.

CAMPBELL (Sir CHARLES) vice-cdmiral :-—

National Strategy. [Lecture before the] Ruskin Society, Birmingham, 1908,

pp. 32. 8vo. [1808]. CAMPBELL (Rev. CoLtn) -—

The Marriage Vow. A sermon, preached in St, Paul’s Chapel, Birmingham, the Sunday after Her Majesty's Royal Nuptials, pp. 27, 8vo, 1840.

‘Thy Will be done.” A sermon preached in St, Paul’s Chapel, Birmingham, at the interment of Mr, George Hollins, pp. 20, 8vo. 1841.

  • CamMPbent. (Rev. RearNatp Jom).

Canadian Manufacturers’ Association :—

Souvenir of the visit of the Canadian Mannfacturers’ Association to Bir- mingham, 1905. Illus. Map, duo, [1905]. .

Canal Rates Association (Birmingham and District) : see Railway and Canal Rates


Canals -—

Abstract of Acts of Parliament, relating to the Worcester & Birmingham Canal. duo, 1809.

Birmingham and London and Birmingham and Worcester Canal Improve- ment Trusts, pp, 4. 8vo, [1882],

Birmingham Canal Bill, Case on the part of the Birmingham Canal Company. {In A collection of prospectuses, ctc., relating to carly Railways and Canals.) fol. [¢. 1837].

{Birminghain Canal Company, Portion of an agreement between the Bir- minghem Canal Company and William Parkes for the tenancy of a piece of Jand in Soho Road. with a small plan.) Manuseript, 21 Aug., 1823.

Traeeaee Canal Nevigations. Report of the Committee, 1914, ete, 4to,

15, ete,

Botterill (W..J.) Proposed Norwich to Yarmouth Ship Canal, fail) Ship Canal across England, with docks at Birmingham, ete. 6 pp. Port. Maps, ( Norwich.) Svo. (1909),

Capper (R.) Proposed Birmingham Ship Canal. Sea Ports, Canal Ports, & River Ports. Address at the Queen’s Hotel, Birmingham, 1886. [Committee for the Linprovement of Canal Communication between Birmingham and the Bristol Chenrel.] pp 36. Svo. [1887].

Case in support of the Bill now depending in Parliament for removing the Bar between the Birmingham, and the Worcester and Birmingham Canals, pp. 2. Map. 4to. [1815].

Cashmore (H. M.) The Old Wharf (Canel Navigation Co.j]. IMus, In Central Literary Magazine, Vol. 21. Syo. 1913.

{A Collection of prospectuses. maps and other documents relating to early Railways, Canals, ete.]. fol. [1793-1846].