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Birmingham Collection

Canals (continued):—

133275 Salt (W.) Canals and their improvements, more particularly applying to the London and Birmingham Trade. In The Federated Institution of Mining Engineers, Report of Proceedings of Conference, 1895. ( Newcastle-wpon- Tyne.) Bva. 1895.

11749 Smiles (8.) Lives of the Engineers, (Vol. 2.] History of Roads, Metcalfe : Telford, [including Telford’s connection wth’ Birmingham], New and revised edn. Ports. IHus, duo, 1878.

74822 Stokes (ev, H. P.) Better Canals better Trade. Remarks on the carriage of heavy goods, ete. pp. 23. (Wolverhampton.) 8vo.-[1885}].

141202 Telford (‘I'.) Life of Thomas Telford fengincer of Birmingham canals] by himself, edited by J. Rickman. 4to. 1838. '

141208 —aAtlas. fol. 1838. :

133275 Vernon-Hareourt (L. F.) Inland navigation, with speeial reference to the Birmingham district. Jn Federated Institution of Mining Engineers. Report of Proceedings of Conference, 1895. ( Neweastle-wpon-T'yne.) 8vo. 1895.

251603 Weare: Photographic Survey. Birmingham Canals. Photographs. obl, 4to, 1906-12.

227931 Westall (G.) Inland Cruising on the Rivers and Canals of England and Wales {inchiding Birmingham Canals]. IJUws. Svo. 1908. . 133275 Wheeler (W. H.) Birmingham and its canal-connexions with the Seaports.

In The Federated Institution of Mining Engineers. Report of Proceedings of Conference, 1895, ( Newcastle-wpon-Tyne,) 8vo, 1895. — Z 177408 Woreester and Birmingham Canal Navigation. [A collection of leaflets, etc, In A collection of prospectuses relatmg to early Railways and Canals], fol. {1813}. Canals : see also Acts of Parliament (Canal Acts) ; Boat Club (Hope fron) ; Brindley (James); Meps ; Seamen and Boatmen’s Friend Society. Cannon Hill Park: see Parks. Cannon Street Baptist Church [1738, ete.] :-— 158748 Birmingham British. and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, Report (1841-2), al resolutions adopted at Annual mecting held in Cannon Street, pp, 11. In Birmingham Anti-Slavery Society, Minute Book, 1837-59. cluo. (1842). 12393 {Bourn (Rev, 8.)] A Dialogue between a Baptist and a Church-man, oceasion’« by the Baptists opening a new Meeting-House at’ Birmingham, Part. I. By a Consistent Christian. pp, 44. 8vo. 1737. Bourn (Fev. 8.) : see also Gill (J.) below, 12380 Butterworth (J.) Repentance and Baptism considered. A sermon preached at the Baptist Meeting in Cannon-Street, Birmingham, 1774. pp. 40. (Coventry.) Svo, [L774].

212202 The Cannon Street Chapel Monthly Manual, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-10, Vol. 2, Nos. 2, 3 (Jan.-Sept., 1878, Oet., 1879, Feb., March, 1880). 2 vols. duo. 1878-80. 188835 Cannon Street Chapel. Report of the Recognition Services, 1858, on the

settlement of Rey. Isaae Lord, as pastor. pp. 32, [With Programme.) pp. 4. 8vo, [1858]. The Church-man’s Resentment of a late Imposition, ete, [1738]: see Gill (J.)


202788 [A eollection of hymn sheets of Cannon Strect Meeting House and the Good Samaritan Sehools.] 26 sheets. 8vo. & fol, [1811-28].

253730 [A collection of leaflets, plans, ete., relating to Cannon Street Baptist Chapel, Birmingham.} fol. (1811, ete.].

239192 Copies of the Three Deeds, constituting the ‘rusts of the Baptist Chapel

and adjoining property in Cannon Street, Birmingham. pp. 50, duo. 1868. 12