Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/217

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Birmingham Collection

Chamberlain (Rt. Hon. Joseph) M.P., Works relating to (continued):—

191506 Marris (N. M.) Joseph Chamberlain : Imperialist, 1836-1906, with extracts

from famous specches. Port. duo. [1906].

154244 Marris (N. M.) The Right Honourable Joseph Chamberlain ; the man and the statesman. Ports, Illus, 8vo. 1900.

250964 Maycock (Sir W.) With Mr. Chamberlain in the United States and Canada, 1887-88, [and at Birmingham]. Ports. Illus. 8vo. 1914.

149030 Mee (A,) From Camberwell Grove to the Cabinet : the life story of Mr. Joseph Chamberlain. Jilus. From The Young Man. 8vo. 1899.

250917 | Milner (Alfred Milner, lst Viscount) (and others), Life of Joseph Chamberlain, Port, duo. [1914],

174049 [Mr. Chamberlain’s Visit to South Africa. Farewell and return to Birmingham. Newspaper cuttings, tickets, circulars, etc.]. fol. [1902-3].

207534 Murray (D. Christie) Guesses at Truths, [Essays, including ‘* Mr. Chamberlain and Birmingham.”’]. duo. 1908.

243132 * [Newspaper cuttings, ete., relating to Joseph Chamberlain, cte., collected by G, H. Osborne.] 4to. [1863-1909].

718384 Pedder (H. C.) Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain : a study of his charaeter as a statesman, duo. 1902.

179303 Pigott (M, T.) The Joseph Jingle Book. pp. 62. duo. [1903].

243671 Reid ([Sir] H.G.) Mr. Chamberlain’s Challenge. Reply and exposure.

[Election] Speech in Handsworth Division, 1892. pp. 8. 4to. [1892]. 134605 The Right Hon, Joseph Chamberlain, M.P., by « Parliamentary Hand. Ports. From The Woman at Home. 8vo. [1895]. 169651 Rodgers (E.) and Moyle (E. J.) Men of the moment. No. 1, The Rt. Hon. Joseph Chamberlain. pp, 64, Illus. (Treherne's penny series.) duo. 1902. 247830 The Searchlight of Greater Birmingham. [Chamberlain Silver Wedding Number.] Ports. Cartoons. 4to. 1913. 82188 Skottowe (B. C.) Life of Joseph Chamberlain. pp. 74. Port. duo. [41886}. 158234 Stafford (D.) The Colonial Seeretary’s Country Home, In English Illustrated Magazine, Vol. 25. 8vo. 1901.

159829 Stead (W. T.) Blastus, the King’s Chamberlain : being the Review of Reviews Annual] for 1896, Jilus, 8vo. (1895).

159830 - = Stead (W. 'T.) The History of the Mystery : a sequel to Blastus, the King’s Chamberlain. Review of Reviews Annual for 1897. Zllus. 8vo, [1896). 247500 Steuart (J. A.) The Right Hon. J. Chamberlain, M.P., and Birmingham.

From The Ludgate Monthly. 14 pp. Ports. Illus. 8vo, 1893,

Chamberlain (7?#. Hon. Joseph) M.P. : see also Gas ; Improvement Scheme, 1875, ete.; Water.

  • CHAMBERLAIN (Rt. Hon, Josepu Austen) M.P. :— E

254058 Introduction. Jn Chamberlain [.J.] Speeches, Vol. 1, 8vo. 1914. Chamberlain (2. Hon. Joseph Austen) V.P., Work relating to :— 247189 Gardiner (A. G.) Pillars of Society. [Biographical sketches, including Austen

Chamberlain.] Port, 8vo, 1913. CHAMBERLAIN (NEVILLE): see Chamberlain (Arthur Neville). CHAMBERLAIN (NORMAN GWYNNE) :— 240623 Preface, In Winder (Phyllis D.) The Public Feeding of Elementary School Children. (Birmingham Studies in Social Economics, 2.) 8vo. 1913. 245684 — Open Spaces. Jn Handbook for Birmingham, British Association, uo, L913,

CHAMBERLATS (NorMAN Gwynne) Work edited by :— 233013 Organixcd Games, a Birmingham experiment, pp. 19, 8vo. (1911).