Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/246

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Reference Library, Birmingham

*Clarke (Rev. Charles) of the Old Meeting:—


167080 66797

GHM2 64202 62715



122049 243126






Examination of objeetions to Unitarjanism by Rev. J, C. Miller, in his sermon, “The Working Man rejecting Unitarianism ” ; by 8. Baehe and C, Clarke. In four lectures in the Old Meeting-House, Birmingham, 1854. pp, 72, 8vo. [1854].

—{ Another copy.|

Ministry ard residence in Birmingham. Report from the Birmingham Daily Post, 1882, of 2 sermon preached in the Old Mecting House. pp. 8. duo. 1882.

Old Meeting House, Birmmgham. A sermon preached before the teachers and scholars, 18€4. pp. 14, duo. [1 8€4).

O!d Mecting Pulpit, No. 1. Religion and Legislation, A sermon, preached in the Old Meeting House, 1876, pp, 16, duo, [1876),

Riinalism : a leciure in the Old Meeting House, Birmingham, 1866, pp. -19. Svo. [1866]. F

Salvation, and on the belief and practice of Unitarians. A sermon, preached in the Old Meeting House, 1881, Reprinted from The Birmingham Daily Post. pp. 12. duo, [1881]. ;

Strect Preaching. From a sermon in the Old Mecting House, 1856. pp. 4. 8vo. (1856).

War: a sermon in the Old Meeting House, Birmingham, 1854. pp. 16. Svo. [1854].

CLARKE (Rev. CHarvus) of the Old Meeting, Work cclited by :—

The OXl Meeting House Journal. Vol. 1, No. 6—Vol. 2, No. 6, Vol. 3, Nos. 2, 3, 6 (April, 1855—Nov., 1856, April, June, Dec., 1857). 3 vols, duo, &

8vo, 1855-7. NOTE.—Vol, 1 was called “Phe Monthly Journal.”

Crarke (Davip) :—

Aston Union. Report of Mr. David Clarke, delegate to the Central Poor. Law Conference, 10 Dee., 1884, to the Aston Board of Guardians, pp, 6, 8vo, (21885).


An Early Morning Adult Sunday School, [viz. Clark Street, Ladywood, Bir- mingham.}] Jn Central Literary Magazine, Vol. 15. 8vo. 1901.

Our Public Lending Libraries. From The Central Literary Magazine, Vol. 18. 8vo. 1607.


Birmingham Entomologieal Society. Opening lecture on the Seience of Entomology, ete., 1832. pp. 15. dao: [ 1832}.

History of Birmingham. Manuscript. 7 vols. 4to. [e,1870].

Observations and Inquiries releting to Birmingham and Birmingham Men [to A.D. 1200. Anon,] From Birmingham Daily Gazette. [ Jn Birmingham Newspaper Serap Book, Newspaper cuttings collected by G, H, Oshorne, Vol. 2.} 4to. [1867-71].


Animal Research. Correspondence on ‘‘ Anti-Viviseetion,” reprinted from

the Birmingham Daily Mail, Jan., 1914. With the approval of the Bir-

mingham Research Defence Socicty. pp. 16. 8vo, (1914).

CLarkE (WittiaAmM JosHwva) :-—

Missionary’s Report. In Hurst Street Domestic Mission, Birmingham, Annual Reports for 1800, etc. 8vo. 1891, ete,

Clarke (William Joshua) Work relating to :—

Domestic Mission and People’s Hall, Hurst Street, Birmingham. Monthly "> Jan. 1914. [W. J, Clarke Memorial Number.) pp. 45. Port. 8vo, 4, .