Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/259

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Birmingham Collection







Circular letter from the Independent Ministers assembled et Nuneaton, Aug. 6, 1793, to the Associated Churches of Warwickshire meeting at Warwick, Coventry, Birmingham, etc, With a postscript. pp. 42. duo. 1793.

Congregational Twentieth Century Fund. Repoit adopted by the Council on May 14th, 1902, and reported to the assembly of the Congregational Union, on May 15th, by Mr. A. Spicer, J.P. pp. 78. 8vo. 1902.

Sibree (J.) and Caston (M.) Independency in, Warwickshire, [including

    • Memorials of the Independent Churches in Birmingham ”], Ports.

(Coventry and London.) duo. 1855.

—{ Another copy, extra illustrated.]

Congregationalists : see also :—

Acocks’ Green Congregational Church. Carr's Lane Chapel, Congregational. Edgbaston Congregational Church. Erdington Congregational Church. Highbury Chapel. Livery Street Chapel. Lozells Congrégational Church.

. Moseley Road Congregational Chapel. Paradise Street Meeting House, |

Congresses held in Birmingham :—

Park Road Congregational Church, Aston.

Saltley Road Congregational Chapel.

Small Heath Congregational Church,

Soho Hill Congregational Church.

Steelhouse Lane Chapel.

Stoney Lane Congregational Church.

Union Chapel, Handsworth.

Westminster Road Church.

Wheeler Street Congregational Church.

[Newspaper cuttings relating to congresses held in Birmingham.) fol. [1914,


Congresses held in Birmingham: see also :—

After-Care Committees,

Agricultural Society (Royal).

Anti-Vaccination Conference, 1874.

Anti-War and Arbitration.

Art and its Application to Industry (National Association for the Advancement of).

Band of Hope Union.

Blind (General Institution for the).

Booksellers (Associated),

British Association for the Advance- ment of Science,

Brotherhood Couneil (National).

Canadian Manufacturers’ Association.

Catholic Truth Society.

Chambers of Commerce of the United Kingdom (Association of).

Cherry Street C 1 [for Wesleyan Methodist Local Preachers’ Mutual. Aid Association),

Christian Endeavour Union.

Church Congress, .

Church Defence Conference, 1875,

Church School Managers and Teachers.

Church Union (English).

Classical, Association.

Co-operative Congress, 1906,

Demonst rations.

Dental Association.

Diocese of Birmingham.

Domestic Economy Congress, 1877.

Domestic Exhibitions.

Electrical Association (Incorporated Municipa)).

Evangelical Free Churches.


Fire Brigades’ Union (National).


Foundrymen’s Association,

Good Templars.

Head Masters’ Conference, 1872.

Hameacpase Congress.

Horticultural Society (Royal).

Hospitals Association (Bristol).

House Painters and Decorators.

International Arbitration Union (Midland),

Tronmongers’ Federated Association.

Labour Co-partnership Association.

Law Association (Metropolitan and Provincial).

Law Society of the United Kingdom.

Liberal Federation (Midland).

Libera! Federation (National).

Liberal Union (National),

Libraries and Museums.

Library Association.

Mechanical Engineers (Institution of).

Medical Ass: ciation (British)

Medico-Political Association.

Metalworkers’ Federation,

Methodists (Wesleyan).

Mining Engineers.

  • Municipal Treasurers and Accountants,

Musicians (Incorporated Society of). Musicians (National Society of Professional). “ National Home Reading Union, — Parents’ National Educational Union. Philatelic Congress. Photographic Convention, 1888. Poor con Conference (West Midland).