Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/26

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Reference Library, Birmingham
Acts of Parliament: Canal Acts—(continued).

17100 For making and maintaining a navigable Canal from or nearly from a place called The Saltisford in Warwick, imto or near to the Parish of Birmingham, and to terminate at or near to the Digbeth Branch of the Birmingham and Birmingham and Fazeley Canal Navigations. (33 Geo. III., c. 38). 4to. [1793].
17106 For making and maintaining a navigable Canal from the Worcester and Birmingham Canal Navigation, in the Parish of King's Norton, into Stratford-upon-Avon ; etc. (33 Geo. III., c. 112). 4to. [1793].
17108 For making and maintaining a navigable Canal from the Dudley Canal to the Worcester and Birmingham Canal now making at or near Selly Oak ; and also certain collateral cuts. (33 Geo. III., c. 121). 4to. 1793.
17110 For extending the Wyrley and Essington Canal. (34 Geo. III., c. 25). 4to 1794.
17111 For making and maintaining a navigable Canal out of and from the Warwick and Birmingham Canal, now cutting, in the Parish of Budbrooke, into the Oxford Canal. [34 Geo. III., c. 38]. 4to. 1794.
17112 For extending and improving the Birmingham Canal Navigations. (34 Geo. III., c. 87) 4to. 1794.
17117 For making a navigable Cut from the Stratford-upon-Avon Canal, in the Parish of Lapworth, into the Warwick and Birmingham Canal, in the manor of Kingswood. (35 Geo. III., c. 72). 4to. 1795.
17120 For enabling the Company of Proprietors of the Warwick and Birmingham Canal Navigation to finish the same;

and for amending the Act [33 Geo. III., c. 38] for making the said Canal. (36 Geo. III., c. 42). 4to. 1796.

17122 For authorizing the Company of Proprietors of the Warwick and Braunston Canal Navigation to vary the course of a certain part of the said Canal; and for amending the Act [34 Geo. III., c. 38] for making the said Canal. [36 Geo. III., c. 95]. 4to. 1796.
17124 To enable the Company of Proprietors of the Dudley Canal Navigation, to raise a further sum of money for completing the said Navigation; etc. (37 Geo. III., c. 13) 4to. 1796.
17128 For amending and enlarging the powers of " An Act [31 Geo. III., c. 59] for making and maintaining a navigable Canal from Birmingham to the River Severn, near Worcester." (38 Geo. III., [c. 31]). 4to. 1798.
17131 For authorizing the Company of Proprietors of the Stratford-upon-Avon Canal Navigation to vary the course of the said Canal, directed to be made by an Act [33 Geo. III., c. 112] and to vary the course of a navigable Cut directed to be made by another Act [35 Geo. III., c. 72]; etc. (39 Geo. III., c. 60). 4to. 1799.
17137 For enabling the Company of Proprietors of the Worcester and Birmingham Canal Navigation, to raise money to discharge their debts, and to complete the said Canal Navigation ; and for amending the several Acts, etc. (44 Geo. III., [c. 35]). 4to. [1804].
17142 For improving the Birmingham Canal Navigations. (46 Geo. III., c. 92). 4to. 1806.
17145 To amend and enlarge the powers of the several Acts relating to the Worcester and Birmingham Canal Navigation. (48 Geo. III., c. 49). 4to. 1808.
17146 To amend and enlarge the powers of the several Acts relating to the Stratford-upon-Avon Canal Navigation. (49 Geo. III., c. 42). 4to. 1809.
17147 For amending, altering, and enlarging the powers of the several Acts relating to the Warwick and Napton Canal Navigation. (49 Geo. III., c. 72). 4to. 1809.
17151 For enlarging the powers of several Acts for making and maintaining the Birmingham Canal Navigations, etc. (51 Geo. III., c. 105). 4to. 1811.
17155 To amend several Acts for making the Stratford upon Avon Canal Navigation. (55 Geo. III., c. 39). 4to. 1815.
17156 For establishing a navigable Communication between the Birmingham Canal Navigations and the Worcester and Birmingham Canal, and amending certain Acts passed relative thereto. (55 Geo. III., c. 40). 4to. 1815.
17157 For enabling the Company of Proprietors of the Worcester and Birmingham Canal Navigation, to complete and extend their works, and for better supplying the said Canal with

Water; and also for vesting in Trustees for the said Company, His Majesty's Right and Interest in certain Lands, etc., in the parishes of King's Norton and Northfield. (55 Geo. III., [c. 66]). 4to. 1815.

17159 To enable the Company of Proprietors of the Stratford-upon-Avon Canal Navigation to

raise money to discharge their debts and to complete the said Canal. (57 Geo. III., c. 15). 4to. 1817.