Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/272

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Reference Library, Birmingham

Council (continued):—






106031 244352

86827 68846


198613 254058








Dale (R. W.) The Town Council and the Sunday Evening Lectures [in the Town Hall]: a sermon in Carr’s Lane Meeting House. pp. 16. 8vo. 1881.

Dale (R. W.): see also Langford (J, A.) below.

Fallows (J. A.) Three Years’ work in the Birmingham City Couneil. pp. 4. Svo. 1905.

Hugo (G. F.) The Birmingham City Parliament and criticism. Jn Central Literary Magazine, Vol. 12. 8vo. 1895-6. ;

Johnson (G. J.) Taxation of ground values [for local purposes.] Observations on the speech of Mr. Councillor [H. C.] Fulford, m the City Couacil, Bir- mingham, 1890. pp. 42. 8vo. [1890].

Langford (J, A.) The Sunday Evening Lectures and Mr. R. W. Dale. (Reply to ‘‘ The Town Council and the Sunday Evening Lectures.”*] pp. 15. 8vo. 1881.

[Newspaper cuttings relating to the Birmingham Town Council.] fol. [1859-76].

[Our Representatives, From Birmingham Morning News. In Religious serap book, collected hy G, H, Osborne.] fol. [1865-1900].

Our Town Council. /n Central Literary Magazine, Vol. 3. 8vo. 1877.

Report of the Final Arrangements Committee of the Commissioners of the Birmingham Street Act, preparatory to the transfcr of their powers to the Council of the Borongh of Birmingham, Dec. 31, 1851. pp. 48. Map. 8vo. [1851].

—Facsimile Reprint. 8vo. 1879.

Council : see also Corporation.

Council (Aston Manor Borough): see Aston.

Council (Handsworth Urban District) : see Handsworth. Council House :—

Birmingham Council House Extension. Zilus. From The Builder. fol. 1907.

Chamberlain (J.) A seat of local government. From a speech made by Mr. Chamberlain at the laying of the foundation-stone of the Municipal Buiklings, 1874. In Chamberlain [J.] Speeches. Vol. 1. 8vo. 1914.

Designs for Corporate Buildings, Law Courts, and Judges’ Lodgings. Estates & Buildings Committee. Extract from Report [to] the Council, with Mr. Waterhouse’s Reports. (Borough of Birmingham.) pp. 20. 8vo. 1871.

-\ Sad episode in the life of the Birmingham Town Hall Clock for rather the Council House or Art Gallery Clock] commonly known as ‘* Big Brum.” [The stopping of the chimes at night.] pp. 16. (Canterbury.) duo, 1905.

Warwickshire Photographie Survey. Birmingham Town Hall and Council House. Photographs. ob]. 4to. [1901, ete.].

Council (King’s Norton and Northfield Urban District) : see King’s Norton. Countess of Huntingdon’s Chapels: see Huntingdon’s (Lady) Connexion. Country Holidays for Town Children (Society for Providing) :—

Society for providing country holidays for town children. Annual Report,

Ist (1893-4), ete. Svo. (1894, ete.].

oan Holidays for Town Children: see also Cinderella Club (Birmingham arion).

Country Trips for Poor Old People: see Walliker Society.

County Court :—

Jeffery (G. E.) Mr. Burch’s magnet ; a tale of Jove and law, [relating to Bir- mingham and its County Court.] duo. 1875,

Whitelock (W. H.) and Lowe (A. L.) Notes on procedure and practice in the Birmingham County Court and Birmingham District Registry of the High Court. pp, 70. 8vo. [1908].

—[ Another copy.)