Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/291

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Birmingham Collection

Dawson (George) (continued):



2274 26057 21012 21011

258968 239290

51344 217895 258971



56133 258994

75114 213835 6258 213080 229171 212784


201204 201205

201203 197167 71102



Bi . I Coll * 269

Dawson (Grorer) (continued) :—

Sermon [at the Church of the Saviour, Birmingham.] Jn The Priestley Memorial at Birmingham, 1874. duo. 1875. —{ Another copy.] Sermons. Jn The Birmingham Pulpit. 6 vols. 4to. 1871-3. Sermons. Zn The Birmingham Sunday Reporter, Nos. 1-8. Svo. 1974. Sermons on daily life and duty. Edited by his wife. 3rd edn. duo. 1878. oe on disputed points and special occasions, Edited by his wife. duo. 878. Sermons (reported by James Wright). pp. 64. duo. 1881, The Signs of the Times. Lectures at Mount Zion Chapel, Birmingham, 1844, 3 vols. 8vo. [1844]. 1, [Introductory.] pp. 12, 2, Puseyism. PP. 12, 3, Free Church of Scotland. pp. 10. The Songs of Shakespeare, An address. Jn Birmingham and Midland Counties Arehgological Association. (Transactions, 1862-3.] pp. 23. 8vo. [1863]. The Speeches of George Dawson on Shakespeare, [delivered in Birmingham] : selected by C, C, Cattell. pp. 50. Ports. duo. [71878]. —[ Another copy.) —{2nd edn.] pp. 62, Ports. duo, [21878]. Three books of God: Nature, History, and Scripture, Sermons. Edited by G. 5t. Clair, duo. 1882. The Tichborne trial and some questions arising out of it. Lecture [in the Town Hall, Birmingham, 1874.] pp. 16. duo. {1884}. —{ Another copy.] Two lectures on the ‘‘ Papal Aggression” controversy, delivered in the Town Hall, Birmingham. pp. 19, 16. 2 vols, 8vo, 1851, Ymehwydd yr Torddonen : [a sermon preached at the Church of the Saviour.) From Yr Ymofnydd. ( Aberdar.) 8yo, 1873,

Dawson (Grorer) Works edited by :—

Psalms and Hymns : [collected and edited by G. Dawson.) 8vo. 1846, —{ Another copy.)

Psalms and Hymns : collected and edited by G. Dawson.( J. Tonks.) duo, 1853. —|[ Another copy.)

—2nd edn. (#. C, Osborne.) duo, 1866.

—3nl edn. (#. C. Osborne.) duo. 1866.

Dawson (George) Portraits, Medallions, ete. :—

[Bronze medal of George Dawson, 2 inch circle. ( Joseph Moore, Birmingham). 21877]. [Medallivn of George Dawson. Electrotype on gilt ground. (6 inch circle.)}. [Medallion of George Dawson, by Hakin & Heath, Birmingham. (8} inch circle.) 1877]. : [Medallion of rge Dawson. Iron repoussé, by Mainfroy. 6 x 6} inches.). [Portrait of George Dawson in daguerrotype. #1840.] eas : [Portraits of George Dawson. In A collection of Warwickshire Portraits, collected by D, Malins.] fol. [V.D.}. ' [Portraits of Geo Dawson. Jn A collection of Birmingham Portraits, collected by S. Timmins, etc,] fol. [V.D.].

Dawson (George) Works relating to :—

Beck (Baroness von) Charge of Imposition and fraud : see Derra de Moroda, below, and Soi-disant Baroness von Beck, below. Ales soi Brindley (J.) John Wesley : ‘‘ a burning and a shining light.” Lecture in the

Musio Bait, Birmingham, 1859, {in G. Dawson.}. pp. 16, 8vo. [1859].