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Birmingham Collection

Dawson (George) Works relating to (continued):—

43547 Treland (A.) Recollections of G. Dawson and his lectures in Manchester in 1846-7, pp. 31. Svo. 1882.

258986 Langford (J. A.) George Dawson. An examination of the Rev. George Gilfillan’s notice of George Dawson in ‘‘'Tait’s Magazine.”’ pp, 16. Svo. 1848.

243132 [Newspaper cuttmgs relating to George Dawson, cte., collected by G. H. Osborne.] 4to. [1863-1909]. 258906 Odd Fellows’ Hall, Temple Street. Programme of the toasts and songs at the

Glassmakers’ demonstration, in honor of George Dawson. pp. 12, duo. 1852. 258970 Prescott (P.) Good Works : a lecture dedicated to the congregation of the emer the Saviour, with a correspondence with George Dawson. pp, 32. duo, : 258964 Protestant Layman (A) [psewd.] ‘The papal aggression, or the modern Quixote and Sancho, written in rhyine, and dedicated to George D [i.e. Dawson], and Brewin G—— [i.e. Grant]. pp. 8. duo. 1851.

258992 Rann (J, H.) George Dawson; some lessons from his life’s work. pp. 28. ( Dudley.) 8vo. [1877].

260168 [Robinson (W. J.) LR cnbe years of George Dawson’s life ; a sketch [in rhyme], by Old Rob the Rhymer. [ 7'ypewritten copy.] pp. 8. [In The George Dawson

collection formed by W. Wright Wilson, Vol. 2.] fol. 1874,

209863 St. Clair (G.) Mr. G. Dawson’s teaching and its tendency; Mr. Dawson & the Unitarians. T'wo discourses in the Church of the Saviour, 1882. pp. 20. _duo. [1882].

239289 St. Clair (G.) ‘‘ Our lost leader.” Discourse in the Church of the Saviour, Birmingham, 1876, on the death of G, Dawson, pp. 16. 8vo. [1876].

209862 St, Clair (G.) The ripest teaching of Mr. G. Dawson, gathered from forty sermons preached in the last year of his life. [A discourse in the Church of the Saviour, Birmingham.). pp. 47. duo. [1880].

258991 Sketch of Géorge Dawson ; reprinted from the Birmingham Daily Post. pp. 12. Port. 8vo, [1876].

258907 The Soi-disant Baroness von Beck. [Charge of imposition and fraud, made at the Police Court, Birmingham. Reprinted from the Birmingham Mercury.] pp. 8. duo. 1851.

66890 Taplin (J.) A Discourse in the Baptist Chapel, King’s Norton, 1876, on the death of G, Dawson. pp. 15. 8vo. [1877].

260167 {Wilson (W. Wright) collector, The George Dawson collection]. 21 vols. 8vo

d4to, & fol. [1793-1909], For setting out see Dawson Collection, page 267,

190079 Wilson ((W.] Wright) The Life of George Dawson, etc. With two chapters by G. J, Johnson ; and appendix, Ports, 8vo. 1905. 190068 —[Special paper copy.) Dawson (George): see also Church of the Saviour. Dawson (Mrs, Grorer) :— 260175 {Letters from and to Mrs, George Dawson. [1854-77], In The George Dawson Collection formed by W. Wright Wilson, Vol. 9.] Manuscript. fol. [1845-94]. Dawson (Jfrs, Grorar) Works edited by ; see Dawson (George). Dawson (Jonarian) :— é 260167 {Manuscript notes on the Dawson family. Jn The George Dawson collection formed by W. Wright Wilson, Vol. 1.}. fol, (1793-1909). rtrait of :— 210206 ee easorat tt cacti Dawson, the father of George Dawson, (J. Whitlock, photographer).] [c.1850}.