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Birmingham Collection

*Deakin (Andrew) [Manuscripts of Andrew Deakin] (continued):—

Vol. 14, —Revised copy of the es volume of 1899. 15, —Corrections [in another handwriting], 16, —Part I. Corrected copy. [Apparently the manuscript for a proposed new edition of the work published in 1899]. 17. —<Additions and corrections. 18. Manuscript corrections by Dr. E. N, Ezard, 19. Nineteenth Century Musical Literature to 1891, with introduetory essay, 20. History of the Birmingham Musical Festival, 21. Title Index of Songs contained in various Song Books of the 17th century, 22, Theatres and other a in London, in which musie was performed before the end of the 18th century, ’ 23, Old English musical instruments, 24. Early printing of-music in England, 25. Oratorio in England; » record and « bibliography. 26. List of Music printers, sellers and instrument makers. 27. List of Musicians, copied from the Dictionary of National Biography. 28. List of Psalters. 29, Miscellaneous manuscript matter. oe (2) Notes on Use Works of Goctz, Saint-Sacns, and Dvorak. (b) ag oA Whitehall Evening Post, Mareh 10th, 1784, re New Musical c) Miscellaneous title index of musical pieces. ‘d) Varions index sheets. (e) Other misceliancous hatter, - aan 4 : Deakin (ANDREW) : see also wader Deakin (A.) in Birmingham printed and Bir- minghem published (Sections 2 d: 3 of this catalogue.) Deakin (ANNIn) :-— 260170 (Correspondence, ete., of Miss Annic Deakin, in reference to her proposed life of George Dawson]. Manuscript. [In The George Dawson collection formed by W. Wright Wilson, Vol. 4.] fol. [1876-94]. Deakin (Annie) Memorial Prize: see University. Deak ( FRancts) -— 217362 Copy of the Address presented, with « silver OUP, to Mr, F. Deakin, 1833, by the congregation assembling in Bond-strect Mceting House, Birmingham,

ff. 2. fol, [1833]. A 63206 A Plein narrative of the cireumstances that have occurred in the transactions between the Honourable the Board of Ordnance and F. Deakin, one of their manufacturers, pp, 36, 8vo, 1816,

  • Deakry (Ruverr).

D&AKIN ( WALTER) :— ’ 220614 Birmingham Association of Mechanics! Engineers. 19th inaugural address. pp. 18. 8vo, 1909, DeEAnkr (GEORGE) ;— <n 239507 Birmingham Philosophical Society. The future of geology. Presidential address. 21 pp. Svo. [1890].

229850 [Chairman's address]. Jn Summary of the work of the King’s Norton School Board, during the six years ending March, 1881. duo. 1881.

68388 Cosmical theories of the earth, Address [to] the Birmingham Natural History and Microscopical Society, pp, 20. 8vo, 1875.

12789 —Birmingham Natural History and Microscopical Society. Address of the

president, 1875; [with}) Annual Report, 1874, pp. 48. 8vo. [1875]. Deaths: see Biography ; Health [for Medical Officer's Reports, etc.]; Mortality ; St. Martin’s (Registers), 94315 De Banco Roll, Hilary term, 27 Henry VI, Roll 409 (Birmingham) 1449. (Manuscript transcript.) 1887. on) :— 36035 oe son Debeting tha Annual Report, Session 1878-9 (2nd). duo, 1879.

36034 Rules of the Duddeston Debeting Club. pp. 6. 8vo. 1878. 3