Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/341

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Birmingham Collection

72068 13815


258908 258989

148040 257226 259728



172062 69397 233362 6306 215073

132834 210037

180500 6302


Deritend Guild (continued) :— : Smith ([J-] Toulmin) English gilds (including an account of the Guild of St. John the Baptist of Deritend]. (Early English Text Society.) 8vo. 1870. —{ Another copy). (Karly English Text Society, Vol. 40.) Deritend Steeple Chase, 1842: see Deritend Chapel. Deritend : see also Civil War; Requests (Court of); Rogers (John) ; Street Com- missioners (1769-1851); Sunday Schools. Drrra DE Moropa (Constant) :— A refutation of the charge of imposition and fraud, recently made at the police court of Birmingham, against the Baroness von Beck, [2nd edn.} pp. 64, 8vo, 1851. —[ Another copy.] Derra de Moroda (Constant) Work relating to :— Derra vy. Dawson and others. Opinions on the trial. The von Beck case. pp. 8, 8yo, [1852]. DERRINGTON (ALBERT) :-— Address delivered at the celebration of the centenary of the Birmi Unitarian Brotherly Benefit Society. 1898, pp. 27. duo. [1899]. Birmingham Unitarian Brotherly Society. Report for 1878, on the Unitarian Sunday schools of Birmingham. pp, 11, duo. [71879]. [Supplementary manuscript notes, 1915, In Stych (J.)] History of Newhall Hili Church Schools, Birmingham. duo. [1892]. Derwent Works :-— [Challen (8. W.)] The beginning of Derwent engineering works, Constitution Hill, Birmingham, Revised copy of a paper read at the 23rd annual mecting of Taylor & Challen, Ltd., 1911. pp. 18. Illus. 8vo. [71911]. De Satis (Henry Roporen) Work edited by :— : Bradshaw's Canals and navigable rivers of England and Wales : a handbook of inland navigation for manufacturers, merchants, ete., compiled by H. RB. de Salis. Map. 8vo. 1904. Design (School of) :-see Arts (Society of) and School of Design [1821-1885]. Despatch (Evening): see Birmingham Evening Despatch. Destructors : see Refuse disposal. Deutsche Zeitung : [Weekly newspaper]. Nos. 1-29 (17 Aug., 1866—20 July, 1867), (Birmingham). 2 vols. fol. 1866-7. —{ Another copy). Nos. 1-11 (17 Aug.,—27 Oct.,) fol. 1866. Devenport (William) Work relating to :— ; Pritchard (J.) The good man: as exemplified by the life and character of the late Mr. William Devenport, of Birmingham, duo. 1863. Devil: and the Radicals. [Anti-reform poem]. Broadside, 8vo. [c.1820). Devonian Society (Birmingham and Midland) :— ‘ ; Devonians in Birmingham and the Midlands. A collection of circulars, cards, etc.]. fol. 1908, ete. DevonsHireE (Spencer C. Cavenpisu, 8th Duke of) :— . [Addresses]. In City of Birmingham Municipal Technical School. Report of the proceedings at the inauguration of the school, 1895. pp. 34. 8vo. 1895. National Education. Deputation from the Birmingham and Midland Education League to the Duke of Devonshire, 1895. pp. 18. Svo. [1895]. Dewis (Artuur) :— Round about Yardleysteeple. [Midland cyele rides and rambles, ete.}.duo, 1904. Dialogue between a Christian and a Reformer, Published by the Association for the refutation and suppression of Blasphemy and Sedition. pp. 8. Bvo. {c.1819]. —{ Another copy).