Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/374

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Reference Library, Birmingham

229336 232777 202634 245899

246128 253834


45742 19535 41695 45726 457

67322 45764 45572



45691 45748


45716 45698

762 45710

Educational Department (Birmingham) (continued) :—

Prospectus of unt tae. 1909-10, ete. Svo, [1909, ete.].

Report of a Special Sub-committee of enquiry concerning physically-defective adults and children, 1911-1912. 2 vols. 8vo. [1911-12].

Report of the Special Schools Sub-committee respecting Boarding school accommodation for mentally deficient children. pp. 16. Svo. 1903. -

Report on the Birmingham system of Care Committees and Juvenile employ- ment bureaux. pp. 35. 8vo. [1911].

Special courses for teachers, Summer session, 1913, ete. 8vo, [1913, ete.].

Stirchley Institute. Day classes [afterwards schools] for young employecs. Prospectus for 1913-14, ete. 8vo. [1913, etc.].

Education Committee (King’s Norton and Northfield) :see King’s Norton. Education Department (Birmingham) : see Education. Education Department Provisional Orders: see Education; School Board

(1870-1902). ;

Education League (Birmingham and Midland) :—

National Education. Deputation from the Birmingham and Midland Education League to the Duke of Devonshire, 1895. pp. 18. [With circulars (2) and leaflets, 2, 4-9, 20.] 8vo. [1895-6]. *

Education League (National) :-—

Adams (F.) The Elementary Education Act, 1870: with analysis, index, and appendix, ete. 8vo. [1870]. ;

—{ Another copy.)

Adams (F.) History of the Elementary School contest in England, 8yo. 1882.

Analysis of the bye-laws of ninety-six School Boards, etc. pp. 23. duo, 1872.

Appeal to the Constituencies. [Mr. Forster at Bradford. Mr. Stansfield at Halifax]. pp. 4. duo, 1871.

Applegarth (R.) Compulsory attendance at school. The working men’s view. pp. 4. 8vo, 1875, :

—[ Another copy.]

Bewley (H. 'T. L.) Mr. Forster on the Education acts. A speech to a deputation from the Nonconformist association and the National Education League. Reported beforehand. pp. 4. duo. [1870].

Bewley (H. IT. L.) National education: An address [at] Dover, 1873, in support of the principles of the National Education League. pp. 16. ({ Burton-on-Trent). duo. [1873].

The Bishop of Manchester upon religious teaching under the scheme of the League. Broadside, duo. 1873.

A Brief statement of the object and means of the League. pp. 4. duo, 1870,

Bright {J.] Speech on moving an amendment to Pell’s clause for dissolution of School Boards, pp. 4. duo. [1876].

Caldicott (Rev, J. W.) The Elementary Education Act from a churechman’s point of view, A speech at the 4th annual mecting of the National Education League. pp. 8. duo. 1873.

Caldicott (Rev. J. W.) Religious education and religious freedom from a churchman’s point of view. A letter to W. E. Gladstone. pp, 23, duo, 1872.

Caldicott (Rev. J. W.) Unseetarian education, A reply to the Bishop of Peter- borough. pp. 4, [1870].

Chamberlain (J.) The educational policy of the government, from a Non- conformist point of view. pp. 32. duo. 1872.

Chamberlain (J.) Formation of School Boards, [A letter] to the editor of the Birmingham Daily Post. pp. 4. duo. 1870.

Chamberlain (J.) Free schools. A speech before the Birmingham Teachers’. Association, 1876. pp. 16. duo, 1876.