Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/377

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Birmingham Collection

Education League (National) (continued) :—

68340 Recommendations of the executive committee at the fourth annual meeting of the National Education League. pp. 16. 8vo, 1872.

45724 The Religion of a few at the cost of all. pp. 2. duo. [1872],

68340 a Sear difficulty. Opinions of government school inspectors. pp. 4.

vo. .

45723 Religious instruction in Board Schools. Report of a debate in the Birmingham

School Board, 1872. pp. 77. duo. 1872.

45696 ae f Conference of nonconformist ministers, held at Leeds, 1870. pp. 60. uo. 1870.

45722 Report of a meeting held at Bolton, 1872. pp. 13. duo. [1872].

45537 Report of a meeting held at Wigan, 1872, pp. 24. duo. 1872.

45741 Report of a meeting held in connection with the St. Helen’s branch of the National Education League, at St. Helens, 1872. pp. 29. duo. [1872].

45740 Report of a meeting held in connection with the Stroud branch of the National Education League, at Stroud, 1872. duo. [1872].

19211 Report of the executive committee at their annual meetings, held at Bir- mingham, 1870 (2nd)-1876 (8th), 7 vols. duo. [1870-6].

36515 —1870 (2nd). duo, [1870].

45712 —{ Another copy.]

45739 —1873 (5th). duo. (1873).

68510 —{ Another copy. Headed: Proof. Not for circulation], 8vo. 1873. 45744 —1875 (7th); 1876 (8th). 2 vols. duo. [1875-6].

3134 Report of the Ist general meeting, held at Birmingham, 1869, duo, 1869, 13498 Report of the 3rd annual meeting, held at Birmingham, 1871. duo. 1871. 68340 Report of the meeting at Kendal, Feb, 28th, 1870, pp. 10. ( Kendal). 8vo.


68340 Report of the specches at the mecting at Liverpool, Feb. 2nd, 1870. pp. 32. ( Liverpool), 8vo, 1870.

45734 Results of the voluntary system. pp. 4. duo, 1873.

45704 Russell (John] 1st carl, on the religious difficulty, A letter. Broadside. duo. [1870].

45720 The School and the Bible, ete. pp, 2, duo, 1872.

45737 School Board Election. Opinions of John Bright on the education question. Broadside, duo, 1873.

68340 Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, Sug-

gestions to the council, for a deputation to the National Education League meeting at Birmingham. pp. 16, 8vo. (1869). 45551 The Training schools under government inspection, 1870-71, in England, Wales, and Scotland, for supplying trained masters and mistresses for Elementary Schools. pp. 24. duo, 1872. 45693 Ullathorne [W. B.] bp. and the National Education League. pp. 2. duo. 1869. 72677 Ullathorne [W. B.] bp. Catholic education. Address at a Catholic meeting in the Town Hall, Birmingham, (to protest against the proposals of the National Education League]. pp. 12. 8vo. 1869. 45703 Verbatim report of the proceedings of a deputation to W, E. Gladstone, Earl de Grey, and W. E. Forster, 1870. pp. 32. duo, [1870]. , 45564 Zincke (F, B.) A speech on the National Education League, delivered at Ipswich, 1869. pp. 19. duo. [1869]. : si Education League (National) : see also Scriptural Education Union [in opposition to the Education League].

Education of the Poor (Birmingham Institution for the): see National Schoo's,