Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/385

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Birmingham Collection


247965 240735

259200 242114 250220 203490 235824 219251 218832 112693


112969 251034 259673



Electors (continued) :—

Copy of the register of persons entitled to vote at any (parliamentary,

municipal, or parochial] election for the Handsworth Division of the County

of Stafford, 1913, etc. (Wolverhampton), 4to. 1912, ete,

XOTE.—For previous Registers, aee Likt of persons entitled to t isterest ta y z for the Handsworth Division, below (No. £40733). PP Teanary na Pereenestey Frets

{Handsworth and Perry Barr, List of electors, etc.], fol. [1874-1888]. List of persons entitled to be registered as parliamentary electors for the Handsworth Division, 1904-5—1910-11. 7 vols. 4to. [1904-10],

NOUTE.—For continuation, gee Copy of the Register of persons entitle to election Handsworth division, above NG oo spits ae =P

North Warwickshire Election, 1868. Messrs. Muntz & Flower. Aston Manor Ratals, Street list. ff. 81. 4to, [1868]. Occupiers’ list. List of persons entitled to be registered as parliamentary voters for the Handsworth division. 4to, 1892, Parliamentary Borough of Aston Manor. Register of voters, 1885 ; 1911-12, etc. fol. 1885, ete. Parish of Birmingham. Parliamentary and municipal list of electors, 1907-8, ete. fol. [1907, ete.]. Parish of Handsworth. Occupiers’ list. List of parliamentary electors and burgesses. 1911-12. fol. [1911]. Register of parochial electors : being persons entitled to vote in the election of Guardians for Birmingham. 1894-5—1906-7. 13 vols, 4to. [1894-1906]. Register of persons entitled to vote in the election of members [of Parliament, for the Borough of Birmingham, Manuseript. 14 vols. fol. 1843-56, , —1852, 1853, 1857, ete. [Wants 1882]. 4to. & fol. 1852, ete. Electors : see also Elections [for Poll Books). Electric Club (Birmingham) :-— University of Birmingham Engineering Journal. Organ of the University Engineering Society, the Birmingham Electric Club, etc, Vol. 3, No, 4, etc.

(March, 1905, etc.), Ports. Illus. 8vo. 1905, ete. NOTE.—Tho carlier eves, which are in the Library, had no connection with the Birmingham Electric Club, From Vol, 8 the Journal was eatled * The Birmingham Engineering and Mining Journal,”

‘* Electric House (The) *’: see Electricity (Birmingham and Midland Institute). Electric Lighting : see Electricity.

Electric Supply Department : see Electricity.

Electrical and General Trades Exhibition, 1898 : see Trades Exhibition.

Electrical and Industrial Exhibition, 1889 :— i=: Electrical & Industrial (International) Exhibition, Bingley Hall, Birmingham, 1889. Official catalogue. 8vo. [1889]. —| Another copy.) Electrical Association (Incorporated Municipal), Birmingham Convention, 1914 :— Birmingham Convention of the Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association. From The Electrician. 27 pp. Illws. 4to, 1914. Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association. Birmingham Convention, 1914. Programme of open-air fete and concert at the Botanical Gardens, Edgbaston pp. 4. Plan. 4to. (1914). Municipal Electrical Convention. Notable gatherings at Birmingham. From The Municipal Journal, 10 pp. Ports. IIus, 4to, 1914. Official programme, Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association. 19th Annual Convention, Birmingham, 1914. pp. 11, Maps. 8vo. [1914]. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Convention of the Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association, Birmingham, 1914. Illus. Diagrams, Svo. (1914).

Electrical Bulletin (Birmingham) : [a quarterly periodical] : see Electricity.