Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/393

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Birmingham Collection


240670 260547






262938 262939

245481 169951

Erdington Public Hall (continued) :— Tesitngton Public Hall, Concert programmes [various]. 8vo. 1888-95. ; os ae Working Men’s Institute. Announcements of entertainments, ete.

vo. 1870. Erdington Skating Rink: see Skating Rinks, Erdington Technical School :-— Erdington Technical School. Programme, Session 1912, ete. 8vo. 1912, ete. folngen Working Men’s Institute :-— dington Working Men’s Institute. Announcements of entertainments, eto. 8vo, 1870.

Erdington : see also Ashford (Mary); Boundaries ; Deeds; Libraries; Mason’s ee and Almshouses ; Oscott College; Princess Alice Orphanage ; Stanley Estates ; Tovey Estates ; Tramways,

Erna’s (Beatrice) Concerts :—

Madame Nancy Stevenson and Miss Beatrice Erna’s Concert at the Masonic Hall, Birmingham, Programme. pp. 12. 8vo. 1903.

Ernestus [pseud.] :-—

Birmingham a hundred and fifty years ago. In Small Heath Literary Magazine, [Vol, 1.] Svo. 1878.

Esperanto: see International Language Society.

Essayic and Discussive Society : see Polytechnic Institution (Birmingham).

Essays critical and miscellaneous, with extracts from a tourist’s diary, [including a chapter on the opening of the Grand Junction Railway between Birmingham and Manchester, 1837}. 8vo. 1839.

Estates : see Land.

Estates Committee :— : Borough of Birmingham. Alterations, &c. at Town Hall, Estate & Burial

Board Comm'tte>. Extract from Report [to] the Council, with Messrs, Martin & Chamberlain's Report, and copies of the plans. pp. 15. 8vo. 1875. Borough of Birmingham. Designs for Corporate Buildings, Law Courts, and Judges’ Lodgings. Es‘ates & Buildings Committee. Extract from Report [to] the Council, with Mr, Waterhouse’s Reports, pp. 20. 8vo. 1871,

  • Estcourr (Epaar Epmunp).

Este [pseud.]: see Timmins (S.).

Estimates ; see Finance.

European War, 1914, etc. :-— Pies, Christianity and the world crisis. Addresses at the Town Hall, Birmingham

[by] the Bishop of Lichfield, FE. Griffith-Jones, D, 8, Cairns. pp. 32. Svo. 1915). A es to the -nxions in time of on oe (Published by the West Midland Baptist Association.) duo. ; ' A Message to the a in time of war. pp. 8. [Anon,] (Published by the West Midland Baptist Association) duo, [1916]. ‘European War, 1914, etc, ; see also Citizens’ Committee ; Military; War Refugee Evangelical Free Church Council (Birmingham and District) vangelical Free Churce ncil (Birmingham and District) -— Biznitngsaan and District Rvangelical Free Church Council. Annual Report, 1912-13, etc. duo. 1913, ete. -~ eA Council of the Evangelical Free Church of Birmingham and District. Official

Year Book and Report, 1900-1906. 7 vols. 8yo. [1901-7]. N ees Leaaephniied in Tho West Midland Federation of Evangelical Free Church Councils No. 82).

i i loyed [Fellowes (C. A.)] In memoriam. Rey, George Dunnett, evangelist employ: by the West Midland Federation of Evangelical Free Church Councils. pp. 42, Illus, duo. {1907}.