Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/396

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Reference Library, Birmingham

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182693 -

Everirr (ALLEN E.) (continued) :— Northfield Church. Jius. In Birmingham and Midland Institute. Archwo- logical Section. Transactions, 1877. 4to. 1881. The Old Houses in our neighbourhood. Jn Birmingham and Midland Institute. Archeological Section. Transactions, 1871. 4to. 1872. Our neighbourhood. Jn Birmingham and Midland Institute. Archwological Section. Transactions, 1880-81. 4to. 1884. Yardley Church. Zl/us, In Birmingham and Midland Institute. Archeological Section. Transactions, 1874. 4to, 1878. Everitt (AtLeN FE.) Works illustrated ees Bunce (J. T,) History of Old St. Martin’s, Birmingham. pp. 52. fol. 1875. —[ Another copy.) Davidson (A.) History of the Holtes of Aston ; with a description of Aston Hall. pp. 76. fol. 1854, —[ Another copy.) —f{ Another copy.| Everitt (Allen E.) Work relating to :— Allen Edward Everitt. Jn The Biograph and Review. Vol. 4. 8vo. 1880. Everstey (G. J. SHaw-Lerevee, lst Baron) :— The Representation of minorities. pp. 24. (National Liberal Federation, Birmingham). Svo. 1884. Everson (HENRY JouN) :— Moseley, King’s Heath and Balsall Heath Directory, etc. : see Directories. Every day in blackest Birmingham, [by T. J. Bass]: see Bass. Every Night: an even ng new paper and revew. Nos. 1-58 (Oct. 12—Dec. 18.) ( Birmingham.) fol. 1888. Everything for the Home Exhibition, 1909: see Domestic Exhibitions.

  • Ewart (ALFRED J.) .

Examiner (The Birmingham); see Birmingham Examiner. Exchange & Mart, Fanciers & Amateurs Journal (Birmingham & Midland Counties). No. 41 (Jan. 5, 1877). 4to. 1877. Exchange Angling Society: see Angling Society. Exchange (Birmingham) :— . Birmingham Exchange, Annual Report, with the regulations and list of subseribers, [8rd (1863-4)}; 6th-l4th ; 17th; 18th, .12 vols. duo. 1864-80, The Birmingham Exchange. Directory of members, subscribers and repre- sentatives, 1910, etc. duo, [1910, ete.]. Birmingham Exchange. Proposed resolutions faltering the Articles of Association : a circular]. 4to, 1882, Birmingham Exchange. Report of the committee presented to the annual general mecting. 1880 [Ist after incorporation], ete. 4to, 1881, ete. Birmingham Exchange. Resolutions to be submitted to a special mecting, October, 1880. [Circular relating to the proposed incorporation]. 4to, S80, Exchange (Builders’): see Builders’ Exchange. Exchange (Grocery): see Grocery Exchange. Exchange (International) : see International Exchange. Exchange Rooms, New Street :— Exchange Assembly Rooms, New Street, Birmingham. Concert programmes {various}. Svo. & 4to, 1874-84. Illustrated catalogue of torture instruments from Nuremberg exhibited in (Exchange Rooms). pp. 96. Svo. {1892}. Verbatim report of the Birmingham Church Defence Conference, held in the Exchange Rooms, New Street, 1875. (Warwick). 8vo. 1875.