Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/417

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Birmingham Collection
  • FULLER (ANDREW) (continued) :-—

12374 A Sermon, delivered at the ordination of Thomas Morgan to the pastoral office over the Baptist Church, meeting in Cannon-street, Birmingham. In Ryland (J.) The difficulties of the Christian ministry, ete. pp. 50. 8vo, 1802.

Fuiier (Winuiam Moxon) :—

213350 The Circular letter of the Midland Association of Baptist Churches, 1868. Christian methods of raising money for Christian purposes. pp. 12. 8yo.


213355 Midland Association of Baptist Churches. Circular letter, 1874. [The objects and duties of the Association, ete.] pp. 16. 8vo. [1874].

213359 Midland Association of Baptist Churches. Moxerator’s address, 1878. pp. 23.

Svo. [1878]. Futierton (W. Y.) :— 211700 Waymarks for wanderers ; addresses in the Metropolitan Tabernacle, and Carrs Lane Chapel, Birmingham, duo, 1880. : Fulton (Robert) Work relating to :— 243219 Dickinson (H. W.) Robert Fulton ; engineer and artist ; his life and works, {including an account of his visit to Messrs. Boulton and Watt of Soho}. Ports, Illus. 8vo. 1913. Funeral and Mourning Reform Association (Birmingham) :— 71826 ° Annual Report of the Birmingham Funeral [and Mourning] Reform Associa- tion, 1876 (Ist)-1884. 9 vols. 8vo. [1877-85]. . Furniss (Harry) caricaturist :— 3 179301 ** Our Joe,” His great fight. Original cartoons. pp, 60. 4to: 1903.

Furniss (Harry) :— 260366 Masonic Hall, Birmingham, Humours of Parliament. Programme. pp. 4. 8vo. [1891).

Gapow (Hans F.) F.RS, :— 247469 Address, Jn British Association for the Advancement of Science. Birmingham meeting, 1913. Addresses, 8vo. [L913]. Gaiety Theatre : see Musie Halls. Garmopner (Sir Winttam T.) :— 210050 The two disciplines in education. An address at the opening of the medical session, Mason University College, Birmingham, pp, 24. Svo. 1899, Gallic Commemoration Meeting, 1791 : see Riots, 1791.

  • Gauton (Sir Francis) F.R.S, :—

210810 Memories of my life [including early life in Birmingham.}] Ports. Illus, 8vo. 1908. Galton (Sir Francis) F.#.S., Work relating to :— 250015 Pearson (K.) The Life, letters and labours of Francis Galton. Ports. Illus, 4to. 1914, etc.


Gambling :-— ies: . 114461 Manton ([Sir] H.) On gambling, [with special reference to Birmingham. Written at the] request of the Birmingham Sunday School Union. pp. 17. duo. [1892]. Games (Organised) : see Parks.

  • GAMGEE (JosEPH SAMPSON) :— 7 ce

35004 Hospital reform : a speech at the meeting of the Medico-Political Association in Birmingham, 1868. pp, 27. 8vo. 1868. 36952 —{ Another copy.]