Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/420

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Reference Library, Birmingham











17899 17014 17933


217977 111511

Gardening (continued) :—

The Greenhouse and Garden, with which is incorporated the Birmingham . and Midland Gardeners’ Magazine. No. 1 (Feb., 1852). 8vo. 1852.

Gardening : see also Horticultural Socicties and Exhibitions. ardens :—

Some Birmingham gardens. Illus. From The Gardeners’ Magazine. 4to. 1909.

Gardens : see also Botanical and Horticultural Society [for the Edgbaston Botanical

Gardens) ; Parks.

Garpiner (ALFRED G.) :—

Pillars of Society. [Biographical sketches, including Joseph Chamberlain and Austen Chamberlain.| Ports. 8vo, 1913.


Garpner (Percy) —

Rationalism and science in relation to social movements. [The ‘‘ Huxley ” Lecture, 1910.] In Huxley Memorial Lectures to the University of Bir- mingham. 8yo. 1914.

Garwoop (EpMuNp Jonnsron) :—

Address, Jn British Association for the Advancement of Science. Birmingham Meeting, 1913. Addresses, 8vo. [1913].

GaRrwoop (JoHN) :—

Importance of city and town missions preserving a catholic character, Read at the Birmingham Conference on Town Missions. pp. 15. 8vo. 1858.

Gas :-—

Act for better supplying the town of Birmingham with gas. [Birmingham Gas Light and Coke Company.] (59 Geo, LII., c. 68.) 4to. 1819.

Act to establish an additional Company [The Birmingham and Staffordshire Gas Light Company] for more effectually lighting with gas the town of Birmingham, and certain other parishes and places. (6 Geo. IV., c. 79.) 4to, 1825.

Act to enlarge the powers of the Birmingham and Staffordshire Gas Light Company, (8 & 9 Vict., c. 66.) 4to. 1845,

Act to enable the Bilston Gas Light and Coke Company to light with gas the town of Bilston and certain other townships, parishes, and places. {Relates partly to the Birmingham and Staffordshire Gas Light Company.] (9 Vict., c. 39.) 4to. 1846.

Act to confer further powers on the Birmingham Gaslight and Coke Company. (18 Vict., ¢. 48.) 4to, 1855.

Act to empower the Birmingham and Staffordshire Gaslight Company to raise a further sum of money, (21 Viet., ¢.1.) 4to. 1858.

Act to enlarge the powers of the Birmingham and Staffordshire Gaslight Company, etc. (27 & 28 Vict., ¢.239.) 4to. 1864.

Act for effecting the sale and transfer to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the Borough of Birmingham, of the undertakings of the Birmingham Gaslight and Coke Company and of the Birmingham and Staffordshire Gaslight Company ; etc. (38 & 39 Vict., ¢.178.) 4to. 1875.

—| Another edn.] fol. 1875.

Act for extending the boundaries of the Municipal Borough of Walsall, and for authorising the purchase by the Mayor, Aldermen, and en of so much of the gas undertaking late of the Birmingham and Staffordshire Gaslight Company as relates to the supply of gas within the Borough ; ete. (39 & 40 Vict., c.119,) 4to. 1876. ai,