Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/438

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Reference Library, Birmingham

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Graham Street Chapel (continued) :— Register of members of the Church meeting in Mount Zion Chapel, Graham Street, Birmingham. Dec. 31, 1851; Dec. 31, 1876. 2 vols. duo. [1851-76). Rules to be observed by the members of Mount Zion Female Sunday School Benefit Society, Graham-strect, Birmingham. pp. 12. duo. 1836. Services and discourse oceasioned by the death of Charles Vince, of Graham Street Chapel, Birmingham. pp. 50 and Hymn Sheet. duo. 1874. 1795-1913. A Retrospect in song. Special services marking the closing of the Sunday Schools at Mount Zion Chapel Graham Street, and their removal to Handsworth and Rotton Park ; Sep. 28, 1913. duo, [1913]. Vince (C.) In memoriam, E. A. Butler. Address in the lecture room of Graham Street Chapel, 1869. pp. 22. dno, 1869. Vince (C.) New Year's sermon at Graham Street Chapel, Birmingham, 1874, pp. 15, duo. [1874]. Vince (C.) Sermon [at Graham Street Chapel,] occasioned by the death of J. H. Hopkins, 1872. pp. 35. duo. [1872]. : Graham Street Chapel: see also Cannon Street Baptist Church; Church of the Redeemer, Graham Street Charity School : see Protestant Dissenting Charity School. Graham Street School of Domestic Training, formerly Protestant Dissenting Charity School: see Protestant Dissenting Charity School. Graham Street Sunday Schools: see Cannon Street Baptist Church; Graham Street Chapel. Granam (WALTER) :-— Birmingham Natural History & Miscroscopical Society. Address of the president [on germs, etc.,] 1880. [With] Annual Report [1879]; ete. pp. 40. Svo. [1880]. GrainceR (Ricuarp Duearp) :— On the public health. Introductory address at Queen’s College. Zn Annals of the Queen’s College, Birmingham, Vol. 4. 8vo. 1873. Grammar School, King's Norton: sce King’s Norton, Grammar Schools Association : see Grammar Schools of King Edward VI. Grammar Schools of King Edward VI. :— 1—The High School, and works relating to all the Schools —: An Act to enable the Governors of the Possessions, Revenues, and Goods

of the Free Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth, in Birmingham, to pull down the present Masters’ Houses and School House, and to erect more suitable Accommodations on a new Site, and to extend the Objects of the Charity ; and to make certain Additions to the Estates of the said Charity by purchase ; ete. pp. 52. fol. [1880].

BOT en called an Act this is really a Bill. It was brought before parliament iu 1830, but wus

Act to enable the Governors of the Possessions, Revenues, and Goods of the Free Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth in Birmingham, to erect a School House, Masters’ Houses, and other suitable accommodations for the said School, and to extend the objeets of the Charity ; etc. [1 & 2 Will. TV., ec. 17. With index.] 4to, 1831,

— Reprint. fol. 1831,

— Reprint. 4to. 1842.

Act to alter and amend an Act [1 & 2 Will. IV., ¢. 17] to enable the Governors of the Possessions, Revenues, and Goods of the Free Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth in Birmingham to erect a Schoolhouse, Masters’ Houses, and other suitable accommodations for the said School, and to extend the objects of the Charity ; ete. (1 Viet., c. 41.) 4te, 1837.

—Reprint. fol. 1837.