Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/44

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Reference Library, Birmingham
Acts of Parliament: Miscellaneous—(continued).
17i47 For exchanging an estate in the County of Wilts, whereof John Biddulph and Augusta

his wife, and Philip Jones and Sarah his wife, have joint power of disposition, for estates in the Counties of Warwick and Worcester [parishes of Yardley, King’s Norton, ete.] settled by the will of Sarah Richards, etc. (4 Geo. IV., c, 14), dto, 1823,

17755 For repealing so much of an Act [13 Geo. IIL, ¢. 52] for appointing Wardens and Assay Masters for assaying wrought plate in Sheffield and Birmingham, as relates to Birmingham, and within twenty miles thereof; and for granting further powers for assaying and marking gold and silver plate, wrought or made within Birmingham, and within thirty miles thereof, cte. (5 Geo. IV., c, 52), 4to, 1824,

17761 To establish certain leases granted by Henrietta Inge widow, and William Inge Esquire, hoth deceased, of houses and lands in the Parish of Birmingham. (6 Geo. IV., o. 34). dto. 1825.

17762 For vesting the estates of John Knapp, deceased, in trustees, to be sold for payment of inortgages and other debts [including £700 due to Joseph Nichols of Birmingham), ete. (6 Geo. IV. [c. 35}). 4to, 1825,

17763 For authorizing the sale of the Parsonage-House, outoilices, and curtilage thereto adjoining {in Smallbrook Street} belonging to the Rectory of Saint Martin, in Birmingham, and for applying the purchase-money and granting building leases. (6 Geo. IV. [e. 71)). 4to. 1825,

17765 To establish an additional Company [The Birmingham and Staffordshire Gas Light Com- pany] for more effectually lighting with Gas the Town of Birmingham, and certain other parishes and places. (6 Geo. IV., ¢. 79), 4to, 1825,

17772 For supplying with Water the town and neighbourhood of Birmingham, [Company of Proprietors of the Birmingham Waterworks,] (7 Geo. LV., c. 109). 4to. 1826. 17773 To enable the Birmingham Coal Company to sue and be sued in the name of their secretary, or one of the members. (7 & 8 Geo. IV., c. 24). 4to. 1827. 2 ‘ 123788 For better paving, lighting, watching, cleansing, and otherwise i ving the Town of

Binningham, and for regulating the Police and Markets of the said Town. (9 Geo. IV., ec, 54). 4to. 1828.

17778 —-1828. Reprint, 4to, 1856, 64000 —{ Another edn.) fol. 1828, 17779 For lighting, watching, cleansing, and otherwise improving and regulating the Hamlets

or Liberties of Duddeston and Nechells in the Parish of Aston, near Birmingham. (10 Geo. IV., ¢. 6). Reprint 1843, 4to. 1829.

17784 To amend an Act [47 Geo. IIL, ¢. 15] for enlarging the Churchyard belonging to the Parish of Saint Martin in Birmingham, and for providing an additional Cometery or Burial Ground for the use of the said Parish. (1 Win, IV,, ¢, 20), 4to, 1831,

124787 —{ Another cdn.]

7787 For better regulating the Poor within the Parish of Birmingham ; and for empowering the Guardians of the Poor to grant building leases of certain lands vested in them, or otherwise to sell and dispose of the same, and to epply the monies to arise therefrom in the enlargement or rebuilding of the present Workhouso ; ete, (1 & 2 Will, 1V., c. 67).

4to. 1831.

123783 —{ Another edn. With Index.)

123780 To enable the Governors of the Possessions Revenues, and Goods*of the Free Grammar School of ee ee the Sixth in Birmingham, to erect a School House, Masters’ Houses, and other suitable accommodatioris for the said School, and to extend the objects

of the Charity ; ete. [1 & 2 Will. IV., 0, 17}, (With Index.} 4to, 1831, 65723 — Reprint, fol. 1831. 17785 —I1831. Reprint, 4to, 1842.

17790 To authorize the patrons or patron for the timo being of the Viearage of Aston juxta Birmingham to appropriate and assign any part of the tithes and vicarial dues, ete., for endowing certain new Churches [St. ohn’s Deritend, Duddeston, agama b ete,] within the said Vicarage if converted into District Parishes or Vicarages, and for selling the alvowsons, ete, ( 2 & 3 Will, IV., c. 20). 4to. 1832.

17791 For vesting the undivided moicties of certain estates [at Balsall Heath) of the Reyerend Vincent Edwards and Jane his wife, and their issue, and of the devisees of Richard Edwards deceased, in trustees, for sale, and for laying out the monies to be produced ly such sale in the purchase of other estates. (3 Will, 1V., ¢, 8), 4to, 1833,