Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/450

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Reference Library, Birmingham

224686 108058

“251005 69771



243089 198603

90041 178402 72233



152505 21360

6426 64477

  • 31049


260825 6486 64480 159686


Grosvenor Lodge, No. 938: see Freemasonry.

  • Grove (WILLIAM BywatTER).

The Fauna of the Midland plateau: the mycetozoa. pp. 24. (Birmingham Natural History and Philosophical Society.) 8vo. 1910. The Fungi [of Warwickshire] by W. B. Grove and J. E. Bagnall. In Bagnall (J. E.) The Flora of Warwickshire. 8vo. 1891. Gruss (Epwarp) :— The Historic and the inward Christ ; a study in Quaker thought. (Swarthmore Lecture, (1914). Published for the Woodbrooke Kxtension Committee.) duo, 1914. Grumbler (The). [A Birmingham periodical for the publication of local grievances.] Nos. 1, 2 (April, May, 1878.) 8vo. 1878. GuARDIAN (A) pseud. -— Address to the Guardians and Overseers of the poor of the Parish of Bir- mingham, on parochial infant schools. pp. 10. 8vo. 1835. Guardian Society for the Protection of Trade (Birmingham) :-— Birmingham Guardian Society for the Protection of Trade. [Report of the provisional committee, rules, etc.] pp. 16. 8vo. 1845. : Guardians of the Poor : see also Poor and Poor Law; Handsworth; Health [jor Town Infirmary Board of Health, a body consisting of the overseers and guardians of the Poor]; Parish of Birmingham ; Workhouses. Guardians of the Standard of Wrought Plate: see Assay Office. Guardians, Trustees and Wardens of the Gun Barrel Proof House : see Proof House.

  • Guest (Epwin). :

Gursr (James) :— Plans of Birmingham (1837, etc.) : see Maps. Guest (Rev. WiLttaM) :— : A Tribute of grateful love to the memory of the late Rev. J. A. James, with ii an estimate of his character and influence. pp. 24. duo. 1859, uldes :—— Allday’s Dictionary of Birmingham. A complete guide, with maps, street index and illustrations. duo. [1907]. Ailday’s Gossiping guide to Birmingham: see Dent (R. K.), below. Bacon's Plan of Birmingham, with guide and index. pp. 28. Map. duo. [71884]. —[ Another edn.] pp. 20. Map. duo. [#1885]. {Badger (E. W.)] ‘‘ Agricultural Gazette” guide to Birmingham. pp. 48. Illus, Plans, 8vo. 1876, —| Another copy.) Ball (W. F.) The cyclist’s finger-post. A route-book for Birmingham cyclists. duo. 1899. —[ Another copy] = wv Pictorial guide to Birmingham. Map, Illus, (J. Allen and Son.) uo. } —| Fine paper copy.) duo, 1849. —{ Another copy.) —{ Another edn.] duo. 1852. —{ Another copy. Birmingham |Friend’s) Summer School, 1899. General handbook and ex- cursion guide, pp. 40. Maps. Illus, duo, [1899]. , Birmingham in miniature. pp. 68. Maps. Illus, (J. Allen and Son.) duo, 1851, —[ Another copy.) Birmingham Industrial Polytechnic Exhibition, 1901, Official guide to the exhibition and poem: Map. Jllus, duo. [1901]. Birmingham : its rise, history, and 3; etc. (Abel Heywood's Penny Guide Books.) pp, 16, (Manchester.) a {1866}. :