Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/63

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Birmingham Collection



54951 210168

59209 25067



198287 198289

259717 14947 104941

Allotments and Small Holdings (continued) :—

Report of the Town Clerk on the Allotments Act, 1887, presented to the General Purposes Committee, 28th Oct., 1887. (Borough of Birmingham.) pp. 8. 8vo. [1887].

Allotments and Small Holdings: see also Rural Labourers’ League. Allotments Extension Association :—

Allotments Extension Association, Annual Report (Ist) 1884 [i.e 1883-4,

and List of Subseribers}. 8vo. [1884]. ALLPorT (JOSIAH) :—

The Grounds for Public Gratitude, ete. [A thanksgiving sermgn preached in St, James’s, Ashted]. (The Protestant Preacher, No. 90, Nov. 25, 1837). 8vo. 1837.


Annual Address fon Petrology] to the Birmingham Natural History & Microscopical Society. pp. 21. 8vo0, 1869,

Catalogue of Serials in the Library of the Mason Science College, Birmingham. pp. 58. 8yo. 1883.

—{ Another copy.)

On the. Paleontology of the District. Igneous rocks of the Midland Coal Fields. Jn Proceedings of the Birmingham Natural History and Miero- seopical Society, IS70, Svo. [1872]. -

Allsopp (Samuel C.) i. P. for East Staffordshire, Work relating to :-—

[Randall (Jtex, W.)] Speech on the oecasion of the Complimentary Dinner

to 8. C, Allsopp, at the “‘ New Inn,” Handsworth. pp. 10. 8vo. 1876, Almanacs: see Calendars and Almanacs. Almshouses: see Holte Family and Estates; James Charities; Lench's Trust ;

Mason’s Orphanage and Almshouses,

ALUMNUS, pseud, -—

Fanatical divinity exposed and the Gospel of Christ vindicated, or remarks on # [funeral] sermon of Rev, J, Parsons of St. Martin’s, Birmingham, ete. pp. 0). Svo. [1778].

ALvrrstone (Sir KR. BE. Webster, Baron) :—

Birmingham and Midland Institute, The Reereative side of Hdueation. Address in the Town Hall, 1906. pp. 27. Port, 8vo. [1906].

—{ Another copy.)

Alye Family : sce Allies.

Amalgamated Musicians’ Union (Birmingham Branch): see Musiciaus’ Union.

Amalgamated Society of Gas, Municipal, and General Workers : see Gas, Municipal, & General Workers.

Amatator Humanrratis, pseud. of Thomas Taylor: see Taylor.

Amateur Choral Union: see Choral Union.

Amateur Gardeners’ Association (Birmingham and District): se¢ Gardteners’ Association. Amateur Grand Opera Society (Birmingham) : see Opera Society. Amateur Gymnastic Association (Birmingham and District): see Gymnastic Association, Amateur Harmonic Association (Bweiaakiens— “Birmingham Amateur Harmonic Association PN 16th year (1870) ; 18th (1872); 23rd (1877); 25th-27th (1879-1881). 6 vols. §vo. 1870-82. Birmingham Amateur Harmonic Association Library. [Catalogue of Music}. Manuscript, duo. [1867-85]. ; [Birmingham Amateur Harmonic Association, Music Sub-Committee Minute Book.} Manuscript. 8vo, [1878-84].