Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/66

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Reference Library, Birmingham





224248 172856


1ssos4 188983






72333 299428


Andrews (Abraham) Work relating to :— - Ludlow, Daniell and Roberts, Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures of

A. Andrews, which will be sold by auetion, Nov. 9, 1875, pp, 12. Svo, [1875], AnprEWs (Wiitiam E.) — Letter addressed to the members of the Birmmgham Political Union, on the declaration of their Political Council, ete. pp. 32. 8vo. [1830]. Angling :— :

  • Cubley (J. S.) How to Fish. Hints on Angling specially adapted for Birmingham

amateur anglers; etc. pp. 46. duo. 1873. Angling Associations (Birmingham and District) ——

[Birmingham and district Angling Associations. A collection of leaflets, lists of prizes, ete.]. fol. [1890, ete.].

Angling Association (Birmingham and District United) -—

Birmingham and District United Anglers’ Association. Annual Report and Financial Statement [with quarterly balance sheets]. obl. duo, 1909, etc.

Birmingham & Distriet United Angling Association. Railway Travelling Cards, 1902, ete. duo, [1902, ete.].

Angling Association (Provincial), Birmingham Branch :—

Provincial Angling Association, Member's travelling card, 1902. Birmingham Branch. duo. {1902}.

Angling Society (Exchange) :—

Exchange Angling Society, Gt, King Strect. [Member's Contribution Cards 1902-3, ete.]. duo. (1902, ete.].

Rules of the Exchange Angling Society, held at the Royal Exchange, Gt. King Street, Hockley. pp, 7. duo, [71902].

Aneto-CatHoLtc Priest (AN) [pseud.] :—~

Letter to the Rector of St, Martin’s, Birmingham [J. C. Miller] on his sermon,

“* Subjection ; no, not for an hour.” pp, 8, 8vo. [1850].

  • Awoaus (ALFRED H.).

Animals (Birmingham Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to) :-—

Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Annual Report of the Birmingham Branch Association, 1868 [7th], 1869, 1871-4, 1876, ete. 8yo. [1869, ete.].

Animals (Midland Association for Promoting Kindness to) :—

Report of Ladies’ Midland Counties Association for the Promotion of Kind- ness to Animals, 1879 {Ist], ete. Svo. [1879, ete.].

Animals (Midland Association for Promoting Kindness to): see also Dogs Hones. Ann (Rev, Ropert) :~— ;

Jehovah's voice to Britain. A Sermon on the death of the Prince Consort,

preached at the Union Chapel, Handsworth. pp. 16. dao. 1862. Annexation of Suburbs: see Boundaries. Ansell (Joseph) Clerk to the Aston Local Board, Works relating to :—

Hughes (W.) Aston Manor Local Board Accounts : a pamphlet on the Clerk’s Department. pp. 16. due. [1880],

—|[ Another copy, with newspaper cuttings).

Anti-Cant ;-an extra-satirieal burlesque [in reply to ‘* Cant; @ satirical poem" and A. Bunn’s ‘‘ Letter to J, A. James]; with notes that may be useful. By Hudibras the Younger. pp. 24. duo, 1824.

Anti-Contagious Diseases Acts Association (Birmingham) : see Contagious Diseases.

Anti-Jewish Conversionist Society :—

Wolkenberg (M.) and Stern (L.) Debate in the Anti-Jewish Conversionist Socicty’s rooms [Birmingham], 1872. ‘‘ Was Jesus of Nazareth the Messiah !"" pp. 36. 8vo. [1872].

Anxti-Juntrrr [pseud.): see Letters of Anti-Juniper, ete.