Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/70

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Reference Library, Birmingham

63046 Arrow (The). [Weekly periodical]. Vols. 1, 2. (Feb, 9—Nov. 23, 1882). All published,


225844 95369 89393 S7716



144248 144249 134568

61937 122417

99186 205080 221551

85711 190582

112702 135048 139246 117631

Ports. Cartoons. 2 vols. 4to. 1882.

—[ Another copy.) NOTE" The Arrow” was afterwards incorporated with “The Owl.”


Plans of Birmingham : see Maps.

Art and Artists -— .

XN aaa “ fudes works on Birmingham Art and Artists and the most important of th

OT iin ecctanen of the work of Birudughain Artists bat not a ty Pebuting te Binningham. Jn ition to these books, most of tho entries In this Catalogue marked Jilus.”’ represent books (Hustrated by Birmingham Artists.

Armfield (Constance) The Flower Book. Pietured by Maxwell Armfiekl {of Birmingham]. 8yo, 1910. ~

[Baker (S. H. and O.) Etchings of views of Birmingham]. fol. [1887].

[Baker (S. H. and O,) Etchings.) Zn Borough of Birmingham. Visit of the Queen, 23rd March, 1887. Description of the route of the Royal Procession. pp. 18. Svo. [1887].

{Barber (John Vincent and Joseph) Original drawings and sketches of Bir- mingham places and scenes). fol. [1803-8].

Baring-Gould (S.) A book of Nursery Songs and Rhymes : with illustrations by members of the Birmingham Art School under the direction of A. J. Gaskin. duo, 1895.

Birmingham and Midland Institute Conversazione, 1907. Catalogue of pictures, together with examples of Art Metal Work, Jewellery, ete., by Birmingham Artists, past and present, collected and arranged by the Midland Arts Club. 15 pp. duo. [1907).

The Birmingham Magazine of Arts and Industries, edited by W. J. Spurrier. Vols, 1-3, and N.S. 1. All published. Ports. Illus. Maps. 4 vols. 4to, 1897- 1903.

—[ Another copy.]

The Birmingham Municipal School of Art: with many illustrations of its Stuclents’ Work. Jn The Studio, Vol. 2. 4to. 1894. ;

Bond (Afnne] L.) [of Béirmingham,] Twelve. months in the country. Etchings. 12 plates. 4to. [¢.1863). .

A Book of pictured Carols designed [by members of the Birmingham Art School] under the direction of A. J. Gaskin. pp, 75, 8vo. 1893.

Buneher (A. J.) & Co., Birmingham, The Development of a picture in ten printings, by the process of Chromo Lithography. fol. [1880].

Catalogue of an Exhibition of Works by a group of Birmingham Painters and Craftsmen. pp. 16. (The Fine Art Society [ London}), duo, 1907.

Clayton (Margaret) [of Birmingham,| Camping in the Forest, written and illustrated by M. Clayton. 8vo, 1909.

Cossins (J. A.) ete., Modern Birmingham. Art. Jn Handbook of Birmingham. British Association, 1886. duo. 1886. P

Cotton (J.) [of Birmingham,] Chimes and Rhymes. Romantic tales of Broms- grove Bells and Bromsgrove Nails, With other verses on local themes, {Illustrated by the Author]. (Bromsgrove). duo. 1903.

Cotton (J.) [of Birmingham,| Song and Sentiment. Lyrical and other verses, {With ctehings by the author]. duo, 1891.

Cotton (J.) [of Birmingham,] Suggestions in Architectural Design. Jl wa, 4to. 1806.

Cotton (J.) [of Birmingham,) Thoughts and Fancies. Poems and occasional verses, [Illustrated by the author]. duo. 1897.

(Creighton (W.) of Birmingham, A collection of MSS., including Maps, Architectural and Astronomical drawings, ete., with notes). fol, [c.1780-1815}.