Page:A Child of the Jago - Arthur Morrison.djvu/175

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and elated, and as soon as the door was distinct to his dazzled sight, he ran off downstairs. His mother, relieved and even pleased, speculated as to what money the thing might bring. She put the baby on the bed, and looked from the window.

Josh, in the crowd, shouted and beckoned her, pointing and tapping his bare shoulder. He wanted his clothes. She gathered together the shirt, the coat, and the waistcoat, and hurried downstairs. Looey could come to no harm lying on the bed for a few minutes. And, indeed, Hannah Perrott felt that she would be a person of distinction in the crowd, and was not sorry to have an excuse for going out.

"Three cheers for the missis!" sang out Kiddo Cook as she came through the press. "I said 'e'd 'ave a bob or two for you, didn't I?"

Josh Perrott, indeed, was rich—a cap-